I did this cartoon for The Sacramento Bee. The California state senate has passed a bill approving road-testing of driverless cars. Imagine the possibilities!
Los Angeles Times Cartoon: Me 4 Prez
I draw cartoons for The Los Angeles Times about issues related to California and the Southland (metro Los Angeles).
This week: Obama and Romney keep returning to California, where they have raised a whopping $60 million in campaign contributions.
Los Angeles Times Cartoon: The Other 80%
I draw cartoons for The Los Angeles Times about issues related to California and the Southland (metro Los Angeles).
This week: Up to 20% of the personal income growth in the state of California could be attributed to the initial public offering of stock by Facebook. So what’s the other 80%?
Los Angeles Times Cartoon: Making Excuses for Killer Cops
I draw cartoons for The Los Angeles Times about issues related to California and the Southland (metro Los Angeles).
This week: A majority of the five-member Police Commission concludes that a detective who said he shot and killed a man last year was not believable. The chief determined that the shooting was within department policy.
Los Angeles Times Cartoon: Save the Parks
I draw cartoons for The Los Angeles Times about issues related to California and the Southland (metro Los Angeles).
This week: A coalition of community groups, labor unions and conservationists is trying to protect funding for Los Angeles city parks, which have been hit hard by budget cuts. Here are some alternatives.
Los Angeles Times Cartoon: Porn Teacher
I draw cartoons for The Los Angeles Times about issues related to California and the Southland (metro Los Angeles).
This week: A science teacher at an intermediate school in Oxnard, California was fired after students claimed to have seen her in a porn movie. No one asked why children were watching porn movies, which is illegal. (Acting in porn, on the other hand, is legal.)
Los Angeles Times Cartoon: Jerry Mans Up
I draw cartoons for The Los Angeles Times about issues related to California and the Southland (metro Los Angeles).
This week: Governor Jerry Brown wants California lawmakers to “man up” and make billions in cuts to state services.
Los Angeles Times Cartoon: Disappointing News From El Norte
I draw cartoons for The Los Angeles Times about issues related to California and the Southland (metro Los Angeles). This week: U.S. Border Patrol agents are asking Mexican and Central American TV stations to discourage illegal immigration. But simply reporting the news about the terrible US economy ought to do the trick.
How To Tell If Your Teacher Is A Leftist
I draw cartoons for The Los Angeles Times about issues related to California and the Southland (metro Los Angeles). This week: Are there commies in classrooms at the University of California? A study long on innuendo and short on facts commissioned by a conservative group shouts: you betcha! How can you and your children protect themselves from academic bolshevism?