DMZ America Podcast #60: Pelosi goes to Taiwan, Midterms, U.S.-led Assassinations, Monkey Pox and Ted Reports from Russia

This exclusive episode finds award-winning cartoonist Ted Rall Zooming in a report from St. Petersburg, Russia. He and Scott Stantis (not in Russia) discuss Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s historic trip to Taiwan. Which leads the lads to talk about the assassination of Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri. Scott and Ted also discuss Monkey Pox and, last, Ted delivers a boots-on-the-ground report about life inside the Russian Federation under Western sanctions. Spoiler: it’s nothing like you think.



Terror Comes to America

America’s use of drones against foreign countries is the epitome of might-makes-right policy. It’s extrajudicial, it’s an act of war, it’s brazen murder without justification. The US gets away with it for one simple reason: no one can stop it. And American citizens never put themselves in the position of being the victims, only the perpetrators. What if that were to change? One day it no doubt will.
