Terror Comes to America

America’s use of drones against foreign countries is the epitome of might-makes-right policy. It’s extrajudicial, it’s an act of war, it’s brazen murder without justification. The US gets away with it for one simple reason: no one can stop it. And American citizens never put themselves in the position of being the victims, only the perpetrators. What if that were to change? One day it no doubt will.

1 Comment. Leave new

  • alex_the_tired
    February 2, 2022 7:37 AM

    It’s a war crime. Presidents Cheney onward (if I read my wikipedia items correctly) have used drones on civilians. If you bump it up to include other methods of wholesale slaughter, how far back can we go? Truman’s A-bombs? FDR not bombing the railroad lines leading to the concentration camps? Lord Jeffrey’s smallpox blankets? Og’s invention of Mot the Fire God, 33,026 years ago and using it to justify the extirpation of the other tribe of hunter-gatherers two hills over?
    I say try all these goons who drop bombs on people minding their own business. Try them and, if guilty, lock them in an 8 by 10 metal cage for the rest of their lives.

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