99 Cent Store

Until recently, 99 cent stores were having trouble finding stuff to sell at such a low price. Fortunately, deflation will come to their rescue.

Blame the Victims

Corporations and their media apologists are blaming us for falling for their consumerist tricks.


It’s only a matter of time before job applicants start reverse-faking their resumes.


Deep down, John McCain has got to be feeling relieved to have lost. He gets to go back to the Senate and relax. Obama is screwed, having inherited a country in a state of collapse.

The Last American Job

In 1945, with the Allies closing in on all sides and the regime crumbling, leaders of the Third Reich accelerated the Holocaust, assigning trains that could have been used for the war effort to carry tens of thousands of Jews to their deaths. Dying regimes, you see, have their priorities.

At Tuesday’s debate, neither candidate dared to suggest that getting out of Iraq might help alleviate our current financial difficulties.

Real Estate Hero

McCain doesn’t only have an economic plan. He’s leading the way to recovery!
