DMZ America Podcast #152: What If a Huge Asteroid Was About to Smash into the Earth? How Would Humans React? Debate Primer, Religion in Politics

Internationally-syndicated Editorial Cartoonists Ted Rall (from the left) and Scott Stantis (from the right) discuss the pressing issues of the day.

First up, there is an asteroid headed for the Earth and will pass the closest to our planet in the history of our species. Happily, the asteroid will miss us but how would humanity react if the next time we weren’t so lucky? Ted and Scott reveal their sense of how our species would respond.

Next, Ted and Scott handicap the upcoming presidential debate. With a combined 80 years of experience observing and commenting on presidential politics they project what each candidate needs to accomplish and what the risks are for both.

Lastly, with the Ten Commandments law enacted in Louisiana, the question of the separation of church and state is more pressing than ever.

The Final Countdown – 6/21/24 – U.S. Redirects Patriot Systems from Client States to Ukraine

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Ted Rall and Angie Wong discuss political developments from around the globe, including the latest out of Ukraine.
The show begins with political commentator Scottie Nell Hughes joining the show to discuss Trump and Biden’s performance in the polls. 
Then, Paul Wright, managing editor at Prison Legal News and executive director of the Human Rights Defense Center, joins the show to discuss the prevalence of forced prison labor in the U.S. prison system and analyzes an NYT op-ed calling it legalized slavery.
Later, journalist and Host of The Back Story on Radio Sputnik Rachel Blevins weighs in on the rising tensions between Israel and Lebanon.
The show closes with Serbian-American journalist Nebojsa Malic discussing the newly named NATO chief.

Ukraine As Performance Art

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a former actor, has quite the knack for strange theater of the absurd. Now he’s hosting a “peace summit” which doesn’t invite his adversary, Russia, and which his main supporter, President Joe Biden, is refusing to attend. That, plus the fact that Ukraine says it doesn’t want peace.

I Would Vote If I Could Afford To

President Biden’s reelection campaign is being hampered by stubbornly high prices and frozen wages, the ultimate economic phenomenon that makes consumers feel that the economy isn’t doing well.

The Final Countdown – 6/11/24 – Biden’s Support Dwindles Ahead of Election

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Ted Rall and Angie Wong discuss various current events, including Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict. 

Steve Abramowicz – Heartland Journal CEO 
Mark Krikorian – Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies 
Mark Sleboda – International relations and security expert 
Nebojsa Malic – Serbian American journalist 
The show begins with Heartland Journal CEO Steve Abramowicz joining to break down the Hunter Biden gun trial. Ted and Angie later discuss breaking news on the guilty verdict. 
Then, Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies and immigration expert Mark Krikorian discusses how Biden is losing support amongst Latino voters amid his migration policy. 
The second hour starts with international relations and security expert Mark Sleboda discussing the upcoming Ukraine peace conference, and the country’s proposed plans to store F-16s. 
The show closes with Serbian American journalist Nebojsa Malic weighing in on the EU election results. 

The Final Countdown – 6/10/24 – Hunter Biden’s Criminal Trial Nears Conclusion

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Ted Rall and Angie Wong discuss various current events, including Hunter Biden’s gun trial. 

Steve Gill – Attorney and CEO of Gill Media 
Scott Stantis – Cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune
Dan Kovalik – Human Rights Lawyer 
Jamarl Thomas – Cohost of Fault Lines 
The show begins with attorney and CEO of Gill Media, Steve Gill, sharing his perspective on the latest out of U.S. presidential elections including Trump and Biden’s popularity.
Then, cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune Scott Stantis weighs in on the defense resting in Hunter Biden’s gun trial. 
The second hour starts with human rights lawyer Dan Kovalik sharing his perspective on the latest out of Gaza, including the IDF killing 300 Palestinians to recapture four Israeli hostages and Benny Gantz leaving Israel’s war cabinet. 
The show closes with co-host of Fault Lines Jamarl Thomas joining from Vienna, Austria to discuss the results of the EU elections.

The Final Countdown – 6/7/24 – Trump Shortens List of VP Candidates as Election Approaches

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Ted Rall and Angie Wong discuss a range of topics, including Trump’s potential VP pick. 

Scott Stantis – Cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune 
Robert Hornack – Political consultant 
Jeremy Kuzmarov – Managing Editor of Covert Action Magazine 
Mark Sleboda – International Relations Analyst
The show begins with Cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune Scott Stantis discussing the latest out of the Hunter Biden gun trial. 
Then, political analyst Robert Hornack weighs in on Trump’s possible VP pick. 
The second hour starts with the managing editor of Covert Action Magazine Jeremy Kuzmarov joining the show to discuss the latest out of Rafah and escalations between Israel and Lebanon.
The show closes with International relations analyst Mark Sleboda analyzing Biden’s visit to France for the anniversary of D-Day. 

The Final Countdown – 6/6/24 – Biden Blunders Time Interview, Dems in State of Panic

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Ted Rall and Angie Wong discuss various current events, including Biden’s blundering of his Time interview.

Steve Abramowicz – CEO of Heartland Journal 
Craig Pasta Jardula – Political analyst, Host of ‘Pasta2Go’ and Co-Host of ‘The Convo Couch’
Mark Sleboda – International relations and security analyst 
George Szamuely –  Senior Research Fellow at the Global Policy Institute
The show begins with Steve Abramowicz weighing in on the Democratic party’s panic over President Joe Biden following the blunder of his Time interview. 
Then, Craig “Pasta” Jardula joins the show to weigh in on California Governor Gavin Newsom’s latest controversy. 
The second hour starts with International Relations and Security Analyst Mark Sleboda joining the show to discuss the latest out of Ukraine and Putin’s warning to the West. 
The show closes with Senior Research Fellow George Szamuely sharing his analysis of the EU elections. 

The Final Countdown – 6/5/24 – Hunter Biden’s Ex-Wife Testifies, New Boeing Whistleblowers, Indian Elections, NATO War Plan

On this episode of The Final Countdown hosts Ted Rall and Angie Wong discuss various current events including the latest out of Hunter Biden’s gun trial. 

Mitch Roschelle – Media commentator
Scott Stantis – Cartoonist 
Sourabh Gupta – Sr. Asia Pacific International Policy Expert 
Nebojsa Malic – RT Journalist 
The show begins with media commentator Mitch Roschelle analyzing the latest out of Hunter Biden’s gun trial. 
Then, cartoonist Scott Stantis weighs in on new Boeing whistleblowers coming forward. 
Later, senior Asia Pacific Int’l policy expert Sourabh Gupta joins the show to share his perspective on the results of the Indian elections. 
The show closes with RT journalist Nebojsa Malic joining the show to talk about NATO preparing its armies for what they believe will be a potential war. 