Accessory to Murder: Freelance vs. Official

A father whose son shot up a Georgia high school has been charged with giving him an AR-15 assault rifle. When the President gives Israel tons of weapons to kill more than 40,000 Palestinians, however, there are no consequences.

The Final Countdown – 8/20/24 – Biden Speech Underwhelms as DNC is Briefly Disrupted by Gaza Protestors 

On this episode of The Final Countdown hosts Ted Rall and Steve Gill discuss the latest developments from around the globe, including the latest out of the DNC. 
The show begins with former Barack Obama Campaign Director Robin Biro weighing in on the latest out of the DNC in Chicago amid protests. 
Then, counselor-at-law Tyler Nixon shares his perspective on the latest out of the Trump campaign and his performance in the polls. 
The second hour starts with human rights and labor rights lawyer Dan Kovalik discussing the latest developments from the Gaza ceasefire deal. 
The show closes with international relations and security analyst Mark Sleboda discussing the latest news about the Kursk incursion amid Putin’s visit to Azerbaijan. 

The Final Countdown – 8/12/14 – Kamala Harris Leads in Polls as Biden Gives First Interview Post Dropout 

On this episode of The Final Countdown hosts Ted Rall and Steve Gill discuss the latest political developments around the globe, including Kamala Harris’s polling numbers. 
The show begins with former City Council Candidate and foreign and domestic policy expert Armen Kurdian sharing his perspective on Kamala Harris’s and Donald Trump’s performance in the polls. 
Then, former Barack Obama campaign director, army veteran, and podcast host Robin Biro joins the show to weigh in on the latest out of the 2024 presidential elections, delving deep into Kamala Harris’s policies and also President Biden’s first interview since dropping out. 
The second hour starts with international relations and security analyst Mark Sleboda sharing his analysis of Ukraine’s incursion into the Kursk region. 
The show closes with author, journalist, and activist Robert Fantina joining to discuss the latest out of Gaza. 

One Senile Old Maniac Down, One To Go

Now that Joe Biden has withdrawn from the presidential campaign, Donald Trump, 78, himself becomes vulnerable on the issues of age and mental acuity, especially considering his own penchant for speaking in word salad. Like Biden, Trump is nowhere as sharp as he used to be.

The Final Countdown – 7/30/24 – Biden Makes Last Ditch Effort to Overhaul SCOTUS

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Ted Rall and Steve Gill discuss the latest developments from around the globe, including Biden’s plans to reform SCOTUS. 
The show begins with attorney, broadcaster, and former Congressional staffer Rory Riley Topping sharing her perspective on Biden’s plans to reform SCOTUS. 
Then, retired Navy captain and former city council candidate Armen Kurdian shares his perspective on Kamala Harris’s newly launched campaign. 
The second hour starts with journalist, Youtuber, and author Peter Coffin joining to discuss Google search censoring Trump’s assassination attempt, and big tech’s role in U.S. elections. 
The show closes with political analyst, host of ‘Pasta 2 Go’, and co-host of ‘The Convo Couch,’ Craig ‘Pasta’ Jardula weighing in on the latest developments out of the Venezuelan elections.

The Final Countdown – 7/22/24 – Kamala at the Forefront of the Democratic Party, Questions About Biden Finishing Tenure 

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Ted Rall and Steve Gill dedicate the entire show to discussing Biden dropping out of the race. 
The show begins with independent journalist Dan Lazare and Counselor-at-law Tyler Nixon discussing Biden dropping out of the presidential race and his endorsement of VP Kamala Harris. 
Then, Cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune Scott Stantis joins the show to discuss the future of Kamala Harris’s campaign, her policies, and whether she can win over Trump. 

DMZ America Podcast Ep 156: Trump’s Triumph & Biden’s Final Days

Political cartoonists and analysts Ted Rall (on the Left) and Scott Stantis (on the Right) take on a dramatic week in politics. Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt and emerged looking great from the Republican National Convention. Meanwhile, Democrats continued to call for President Joe Biden to step aside from the presidential race, Kamala Harris began to fend off attacks from the Right and the Left and the beleaguered Biden was forced to quarantine himself after he came down with Covid-19.

Watch the Video Version: here.

The Final Countdown – 7/18/24 – JD Vance Gives First Speech Following Designation 

On this episode of The Final Countdown, host Ted Rall and guest host Steve Gill discuss an array of current events, including JD Vance’s speech at the RNC. 
The show begins with Independent journalist and author Dan Lazare weighing in on the internal strife within the Democratic Party amid increasing calls for Biden to drop out of the presidential race. 
Then, speaker and author Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro joins the show to discuss Israel’s plans to draft ultra-Orthodox Jews into its army.
The show closes with lawyer and retired FBI agent Coleen Rowley sharing her analysis of the ongoing Homeland Security investigation into the assassination attempt of Donald Trump. 

The Final Countdown – 7/16/24 – Trump Kicks Off RNC With VP Pick 

On this episode of The Final Countdown, host Ted Rall and guest host Steve Gill discuss the latest news in the U.S. political arena, including Trump’s VP pick. 
The show begins with veteran news anchor and host of Perspective Scottie Nell Hughes discussing Trump’s newly announced VP pick, J.D. Vance, and how the Ohio Senator as a running mate will impact Trump’s campaign. 
Then, attorney, broadcaster, and former Congressional staffer, Rory Riley Topping shares her legal expertise on the dismissal of the classified documents case against Trump.
The second hour kicks off with Scott Stantis, cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune, to discuss NBC host Lester Holt’s interview with President Biden. 
The show closes with Ryan Cristian, the Founder and Editor of The Last American Vagabond, weighing in on the RNC and Biden’s presidential campaign. 