It’s Officially Confirmed: Biden Was Always Senile

The Wall Street Journal has confirmed in a blockbuster investigation that President Biden has been mentally diminished throughout his first term in office. Democrats knew and covered it up.

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  • So are those (VP, National Security adviser, Secretary of State, whoever else, etc.) who “assumed” the powers of president to be prosecuted along with those who foisted upon the American people in 2020 a candidate eminently susceptible to 25th Amendment provisions regarding incapacity … even before his election?

    You did read it all here, if not first, at least 13 months before 81 million “Democrats” voluntarily doubled the ranks of “the deplorables.”

  • alex_the_tired
    December 30, 2024 6:37 AM

    There is a sort of horrible irony in how while all the MSM influencers were carrying on about Trump and pretending to be journalists, Biden’s owners and operators were the ones destroying American democracy. Anyone who knew the president was losing his marbles and said nothing should be arrested and tried, assuming Biden doesn’t pardon them all, then resign himself, then get pardoned by Harris.

    I hope this finishes the democratic party. Let something new and better (it could hardly be worse) emerge.

  • Alas, the article is behind a paywall. Does the “blockbuster investigation” give any evidence that isn’t explainable as Joe Biden’s speech impediment? (E.g., the first (free) paragraph says that Jill Biden gave more speeches than Joe Biden … but that’s easily explained by the speech impediment.)

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