Cartoon for September 15

A continuation of the drum I began banging with this week’s column. If Democrats want to end the war, all they have to do is refuse to allow debate on any war funding bill. Period. Amazingly, reporters seem to be ignorant about how the U.S. government works.

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Cartoon for September 13

General Petraeus says help is on the way: if, by help, you mean six more months before we can draw another conclusion, which will undoubtedly mean a request for six more months to evaluate the status of the situation, during which a blue-ribbon committee of experts will be appointed to study the implementation of the recommendations of the…

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9/11 + 6

Six years after 9/11, America conducts yet another grief-a-thon.

Cartoon for September 8

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Better Hair

No matter which of the major presidential candidates wins in 2008, Americans will be better off.
