Cartoon for February 9

After I drew this cartoon, I realized that it’s really true: tens of thousands of young American men and women have spent their entire adult lives in Iraq. This also ties in to the fact that we have no U.S. troops in the U.S.–you know, to defend the U.S…

Flash: MittBot2008 Deactivated

Mitt Romney is dropping out of the GOP primaries.

At first glance, this appears to make McCain the de facto nominee, and I think that’s how it’ll play out. That said, Huckabee may galvanize the anti-McCain vote now. If religious fundamentalists rally to him, he might still end up as the nominee. Might. Probably won’t.

This does slightly screw up my cartoon for Monday. Damn you, MittBot!

Cartoon for February 7

Barack Obama says he wouldn’t have voted for the Iraq War. Yet he voted, over and over and over, to waste billions of dollars to prolong the very same war. Now he’s running on his theoretical voting record.

Cartoon for February 4

The 2008 presidential primary season began promisingly. But it now seems clear that big political changes–much needed after eight years of do-nothing Clinton and do-too-much Bush–are not in the cards.


Cartoon for February 2

The rise of the cute-ocracy continues!
