Jersey Intafada

Americans are complaining about illegal new Palestinian “settlements” on the West Bank of the Hudson River. But Palestinians point out that New Jersey is culturally undeveloped. Will throwing rocks help?

Uncle Sam, Dirty Old Man

The NSA says we shouldn’t worry because they only “touch” 1.6% of Internet traffic on the Web. As it turns out, that really means all of it.

Just Like Any Other Family

The Obamas head off to their annual vacation in Martha’s Vineyard. But they insist it’s a working vacation. Too bad for the drone victims!

Note: You can buy the original for as little as 99 cents!

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Terrorist Chatter

Once again, the US government says it picked up “terrorist chatter” online that prompted it to close U.S. embassies around the world. What exactly goes on in Terrorist Chatrooms? Here’s everything you need to know to navigate the world of jihad online.

P.S. Sorry about the small writing. Looks great in print, though.

A Remarkable Coincidence

Days after Congress comes close to banning the NSA’s recently revealed program of spying on Americans, the NSA says Al Qaeda is planning to attack the US – and that they found out using the program that Congress was about to ban.

Know Your Level

If Bradley Manning had murdered Iraqi civilians as a soldier, he’d be a hero. Instead, he revealed proof that his superiors killed Iraqi civilians. It’s all about understanding your role in the hierarchy that keeps our society together…which we should all want for some reason.

Sybil Obama

Does Barack Obama even know what President Obama is up to? It’s not clear based on his speeches.
