Zero Employment = Zero Unemployment

Welcome to the paradox of falling labor participation rate: as people drop out of the workforce, we’re moving closer to a time when unemployment is zero at the same time that there are no jobs left.

Faith-Based Healthcare

Democrats say Obamacare will be awesome after the website works, people select their plans and get signed up. But it’s taking an awful long time. And now the White House is missing its self-imposed December 1st deadline…which replaced its previous self-imposed October 1st deadline.

If You Like Our Troops, You Can Keep Them

President Obama promised to bring back all U.S. troops in 2014. Now he’s pressuring the Afghan government to allow tens of thousands of soldiers and mercenaries to stay in Afghanistan at least another ten years.

All in the Family

U.S. combat troops will remain in Afghanistan until 2024. This means that it will have been possible for three generations of soldiers to have served from the same family in that losing war.

What If Dubya Had Told Us What Was Coming?

The U.S. has committed at least 15,000 combat troops and billions of dollars to extend the war of Afghanistan another 10 years, to 2024. Imagine what Americans would have thought if Bush had told them what was in store after 9/11.


JFK was assassinated 50 years ago today. And I was there! Gather near, cartoon readers, and revel in the thrilling account of what I was doing at the time.

Memory Content is CIA King

The US government argues that it possesses “absolute control” over the memories of Guantánamo torture victims because what happened to them was classified — yet it released those “CIA memories” to Hollywood filmmakers. Sure, it’s like something from a Philip K. Dick story. But don’t complain. Content is king again!

Saving Obamacare

Drones work with deadly accuracy. The NSA has a limitless budget. Why not let these agencies that perform their duties well step in to help with the beleaguered Obamacare rollout?

Affordable Cartoon Act

The Affordable Care Act is the ultimate gravy train for insurers. They get 50 million new customers, all of whom have to buy their product at whatever they choose to charge them. Too bad the rest of us can’t get the same deal. Or can we?

You Kids Have It Easy

Just think how many more victims the tyrants of the past could have racked up had they had the same toys and tools as President Obama and the NSA!
