Congressional Republicans have stonewalled President Obama and the Democrats on pretty much anything, even refusing to sign off on routine budget requests and increases in the federal debt limit. But even a “divided Congress” has managed to come together to support Obama’s request to go to war in Syria and Iraq (again).
ISIS Plans Ahead
The radical Islamist army ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) received weapons and training from the United States in its war against Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. They’re still opening the weapons systems we sent them via the Gulf States and directly. Yes, we’ve bombed our former allies before, but never in recent memory has there been such a rapid change of relations.
The 7% Solution
From the New York Times, August 19, 2014: “Encouraging more participation in the democratic process in a community that feels alienated from political power – hence the demonstrations – seems like an obviously good idea; and one that’s particularly compelling because it’s so simple. Voting is an alternative to protesting in the streets.” The establishment, especially Democrats, are starting voter registration drives and using Ferguson as a rallying cry in black communities. According to the statistics, blacks are 7% short of no longer falling prey to trigger-happy white cops.
Changing the Man in Charge Doesn’t Change the System
Watching our millionaire president hobnobbing with celebrities at his luxurious vacation in Martha’s Vineyard as Ferguson, Missouri convulses in rioting after a cop shot unarmed Michael Brown, it’s obvious that electing a black president isn’t enough to change reality for millions of less privileged blacks. The only thing that separates Michael Brown from Barack Obama is a thin veneer of borrowed privilege.