Congressional Republicans have stonewalled President Obama and the Democrats on pretty much anything, even refusing to sign off on routine budget requests and increases in the federal debt limit. But even a “divided Congress” has managed to come together to support Obama’s request to go to war in Syria and Iraq (again).
United They Stand
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
5 Comments. Leave new
This was going to be a flame about the gullibility of the American people. Luckily I hit first. I was heartened by what I saw there – 57% of the populace is against bombing Syria; 68% says we do not have a responsibility to help out.
It wasn’t all that long ago that they favored bombing the shit out of anybody who duh gubbmint said was a bad guy. It started with BushCo’s constant fear mongering & disinformation campaign. Could it be possible the people are finally waking up?
Eh, maybe I’m being too optimistic. Maybe they aren’t waking up so much as getting bored with continent building. Maybe in another couple of decades congress will notice. Yeah, and maybe X will fly out my Y.
Okay, now I’m back to my usual pessimism.
So I continue to beg the question, why is Obama so much better than Bush? There are war crimes that Obama is now sponsoring that Dubya couldn’t even remotely have pulled off. And mostly, it’s RACISM that lets Obama have this pessimistic benefit-of-the-doubt!
After all, if a “Most Powerful in the World” (half)Black man wants to drone murder a brown-skinned terrorist (along with a statistical collateral cost of 10 or 15 innocent brown-skinned lives), who in the Cracker-caste has a right to complain? I mean, it ain’t like he’s mass-murdering white-folk ~
Dubya actually seemed to be better for this nation, mostly because EVERYBODY had their guard up (especially the neo-Con cabal). With that “Nigerian” Democrap in the Rainbow-House, it’s all butterflies and unicorns, ain’t it?
Reminds me of an old movie…
Like the old Bongwater song about Reagan.
“He always finds money for war, boys, he always finds money for death…”
What’s not to like, Ted ? «Bipartisanship» celebrates triumphs ! Isn’t that what everyone’s been complaining about – that the US Congress can’t get it’s act together ?…
Beware of getting what you wish for….