Cartoon for February 28

The New York Times accused John McCain of having an affair with a lobbyist for whom he did special favors, thus dishonoring his office. If the Times was wrong, and imperiled both his marriage and his run for the presidency, why didn’t McCain file a libel lawsuit?

Cartoon for February 25

The media bemoans the psychological problems suffered by U.S. troops returning from Iraq. What about the people they killed?

Cartoon for February 23

Even Democratic commentators confuse Obama’s name with another guy who’s incredibly famous and charismatic (though not exactly as much of a charmer). Name recognition matters!

Cartoon for February 21

Bush Administration officials refuse to confirm or deny that they torture prisoners of war (or, as they call them, “detainees”). The reason for this vagueness, they explain, is national security: If they confirm that they torture, future victims could prepare themselves against it. If they deny it, no one will be sufficiently terrified of us.

This cartoon is a riff on the parenting book “What to Expect When You’re Expecting.”
