A new blog, badcartoonist.com, has sparked controversy and discussion among editorial cartoons over what constitutes good and bad editorial cartooning. Those of us who draw in modern, post-MacNelly styles don’t understand how the brains of retro cartoonists work.
Terrorist Phone Call Ad
The Clinton campaign rolled out, and the Obama campaign immediately issued a retort to, what looks likely to become one of the iconic television ads of the 2008 race: an image of a red hotline phone ringing at three in the morning in the White House. Many people have parodied this ad, but my take emphasizes the hilarious implication that troublemakers are so inconsiderate as to spark crises while civilized Americans are trying to catch some shut-eye.
Selling Barack
Republicans are accusing Barack Obama of not being patriotic. Their reasons include his decision to stop wearing an American flag lapel pin because the symbol had been hijacked by right-wing neocons, his failure to place his hand over his heart during the National Anthem, and his wife’s comment that she was proud of the United States for the first time during her adult life.