Cartoon for March 22
Last week, Bill Gates testified before Congress that American business needs more math and science grads, but probably won’t get them–and will therefore need to import them from abroad.
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Americans like to keep their options open. We don’t torture, Bush Administration officials claim. We just like to have the option available. You know, just in case.
I wonder: Does anyone beside Matt Bors and I wake up every day, wondering what the fuck is wrong with a country that thinks it’s perfectly OK to torture people?
A wag in the New York Times pointed out that the current ARM mortgage crisis owes at least as much to predatory borrowing as it does to predatory lending (which is admittedly a huge problem). I own a home now, but I can’t help wondering why renters–people who can’t afford to buy a home–should pay higher taxes to support those who own? It’s already pretty crazy that the Army Corps of Engineers spends millions to shore up beaches to save homes owned by multimillionaires.