
I hope Obama wins. It’s more fun to criticize a Democrat for his hypocrisy and worthlessness than a Republican for being true to his well-heeled donors.

Change Like You Can’t Believe

Barack Obama has exactly as much respect for privacy rights as George W. Bush. But it’s different–because he’s smart and attractive.

Cindy Says

Cindy McCain might become First Lady. How will the former drug fiend keep herself occupied?

Generational Warfare Lite

For the first time since Nixon, pundits are talking about a generation gap between the young and the old. If there’s a conflict, it’s low intensity.

500,000 or 1,000,000?

Cell phone companies require us to guess how many minutes we’ll use during a long period of time, and risk getting charged fines for going over. What if this structure spreads to other businesses?


Barack Obama, trying to court conservative whites with dim views of black males, attacks black men for being bad parents.

All in the Mind

Condi Rice says Bush wants to close Gitmo, but worries about releasing dangerous prisoners upon an unsuspecting populace. What to do?

The System Works

The U.S., a.k.a. “Oops!” nation, does it again: After years of madness and torture and violating habeas corpus, the U.S. Supreme Court begins to restore the rule of law by invalidating parts of the Military Commissions Act. But what about those for whom the Court ruled too late?

Dumping God

First he dissed his minister. Then his church. What’s next for the future First Pussy?
