Obama’s liberal supporters are wallowing in wishful thinking. Once he gets into office, they tell themselves and everyone else, he’ll burst out as a crazy leftie!
John McCain made a big fuss about opposing Bush on torture. But then Bush signed one of his infamous “signing statements” promising to ignore the law banning torture. McCain, victim of political expediency and sucking up to Bush, stayed mum.
Not to be outdone in the hopeless military adventurism department, Barack Obama promises a “surge”–not in Iraq, but against the people of Afghanistan, who are even more fiercely opposed to U.S. occupation than Iraqis.
This was a bit of an exercise for me; I wanted to make about as mainstream a cartoon as I possibly could, just to see how it would come out. I used to do this sort of “it’s not a, it’s a —” format cartoon a lot, but it’s been a long time. I think it turned out OK.
It was a page one story in the New York Times, but the fact that the military relied on a memo describing how to elicit false confessions through torture became the basis of torture training at Gitmo somehow fell off the radar screen.
Obama fans like Obama, so Obama fans justify anything he does. Sure, he has voted for the Iraq War six times. He has NEVER voted against it. Yet they believe him when he says he’s against it. And so on.