The Old White Male Cabal

I would’ve added David Dinkins, NYC’s first black mayor and a disaster, to the list if there was a newspaper in NYC that published my cartoons.

The Palin Effect

Conservatives are applauding Sarah Palin’s underaged daughter for keeping her baby whem truth be told, abortion ought to be mandatory for people under 18…hell, probably 25.

The Personal is Practical

This was inspired by several NYT articles asking whether the Obama candidacy spells the end of the civil rights struggle…sounds like wishful thinking by The Man.

Osama bin Biden

I know this is kind of stupid. But I’m sure the Republicans are already printing up the posters.

Abiogenic Oil Drilling

It took me a while to get around to commenting on McCain’s plan for reducing oil prices–offshore drilling that might make a tiny dent in a decade or more, probably none at all.

By the way, there are serious articles discussing the possibility of drilling for oil on the moon or on other planets.

Shoot the Gook

John McCain’s inability to remember his number of residences (or, more accurately, Cindy’s) certainly exposes his inability to relate to ordinary Americans. Of course, the same is true of Obama, though to a less extreme extent.

Text Messages of Love

Barack Obama’s text message announcement of his vice presidential running mate made an irresistible target for this cartoon.

The Fall of John Edwards

A sex scandal claims John Edwards, despite the fact that he never campaigned as a “family values” conservative.
