Tax Today, Back TomorrowJanuary 14, 2010•Ted Rall Congress might tax bankers…but they probably don’t need to worry.
WealthCareJanuary 11, 2010•Ted Rall Another comment about Obama’s plan to tax those who don’t buy healthcare.
Terror Plots We Could Really UseJanuary 7, 2010•Ted Rall The level of total reactivity has gotten downright hilarious.
Santa Claus, R.I.P.January 4, 2010•Ted Rall Even with the Internet, not everyone has heard of Santa…especially in the non-Christian world.
Attack of the Underwear BomberJanuary 2, 2010•Ted Rall It was only a matter of time before the diabolical Underwear Bomber wreaked his unholy havoc upon us.
No ExitDecember 31, 2009•Ted Rall Obama, changing his mind again, won’t close Gitmo until at least 2011.
The Public OptionDecember 24, 2009•Ted Rall Obamacare manages to turn a disastrous healthcare system into something even worse.