
“Jihad Jane” and other “self-radicalized” American Muslims have the media asking: How could this happen?

I’m wondering: How could it not?


The stand-off continues, as employers refuse to employ, wondering why consumers refuse to consume.

Obamaman Saves the (Healthcare) Day

ObamaCare’s plan to mandate Americans to buy insurance from greedy companies charging inflated prices is not a recipe for contentment. Why can’t Obama help people instead of companies?

Dr. Obama

Obama repeatedly argues that the economy would be even worse if not for his banker bailout. If the unemployment were calculated the same way it was in 1934, the rate would be the same. How does Obama dare argue that–even if it’s true (which is doubtful)?

If Not Now, When?

Obama wrote this one for me by channeling RFK’s “If not now, when?” The answer seems obvious: when you had 60 votes in the Senate?

Democratic Sales Pitch

I can’t imagine how Democrats think they’ll be able to motivate their neglected, insulted and abused base this fall.

Flashpoint: Arctic

True story: other countries are gearing up for a territorial Cold War over Arctic resources that are becoming accessible due to global warming–but the U.S. isn’t involved because of climate change denialism.

Good and Pure

Obama and Bush pursue the same policies on important issues, but only Bush catches liberal opprobrium.
