The Tiger Woods Bailout PlanDecember 11, 2009•Ted Rall Tabloids paying off women who claim to have slept with Tiger Woods are providing the only new jobs of the Obama era.
Strategy? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Strategy!December 7, 2009•Ted Rall Generals and right-wing politicians have convinced Obama not to tip his hand about our strategy in Afghanistan.
Now NetworkDecember 5, 2009•Ted Rall If you’ve seen Sprint’s ads for their Now Network, you’ll know what this cartoon is about. If not, well, sorry.
Finally: A Jobs ProgramDecember 3, 2009•Ted Rall Finally: Obama creates a jobs program! The catch is, you have to join the Taliban first.
Tax SummitNovember 30, 2009•Ted Rall Obama wants the jobless to wait while he dithers on the jobs creation front. Why should they pay their taxes on time?