White Dude’s Burden

After an all-white jury found George Zimmerman not guilty of murdering Trayvon Martin in a racially-charged case, white liberals who didn’t share their friends’ outrage had tp ask themselves some difficult questions.

Robo Sapiens

The Pentagon has unveiled an incredibly strong and agile humanoid robot. But don’t worry, it claims that this new “robo sapiens” is purely to help old ladies find their way through Nordstrom.

Feminism Marches On

Six months after being confirmed as National Security Advisor, Susan Rice orchestrated the military coup that toppled Egypt’s democratically elected president, Mohamed Morsi. She’s leaning in!

Torturing the English Language

If the US declares the military coup in Egypt to have been a military coup, it would be forced to suspend its “foreign aid,” which isn’t aid at all. From coups to torture to FISA, the English language is the number-one victim of enhanced interrogation techniques.

“A 29-Year-Old Hacker”

Obama is cool, calm and collected – but he has an Achilles’ Heel: contempt for young people, as demonstrated by his condescending comment describing NSA leaker Edward Snowden as “a 29-year-old hacker.”

Gay Liberation

After the Stonewall riots, the gay liberation movement was militant, agitating for more freedom and radical ways to live. But AIDS led to increased conservatism – and now, after gay marriage was effectively legalized, one had to ask: whatever happened to the thrilling gay movement of the 1970s?

A Little Extra

After the 9/11 attacks, Americans reasoned that if they had to give up a little extra time at the airport in exchange for security, that was a bargain they were willing to make. As the NSA revelations demonstrate, however, that devil’s bargain led to a slippery slope.
