Have I Gone Too Far?

For the record: If I don’t write something, I don’t take responsibility for it. To wit, this letter from om****@yahoo.com (he would have deserved total anonymity, but since he sent his email unsigned I have to identify it somehow):

“Today’s military is a far cry from the draftee-heavy Vietnam-era force. These guys are volunteers, hired guns. Make no mistake about their “limited job opportunities”…the military pays less than McDonald’s, and McDonald’s hires even in West Virginia. These troops are there by choice.
It’s hard to hear the radicals when they’re not given airtime–but I don’t see them hanging out in the streets, either.”
Your comments above show just how little you know of the U.S. military. First, how dare you say such horrible things about the men and women who take an oath to defend you and die for your freedom if need be. Second, the military is not a bad paying job at all, especially for those who are deployed overseas. They pay no state or federal tax, they make tons of extra money in combat pay and imminent danger pay, and they’re usually very busy with their job (a job you were obviously too scared to do yourself), so there’s not a whole lot of time to blow all their money. I’m in the Coast Guard and have friends who did year long deployments on CG patrol boats in the Persian Gulf within the past two years, and they all came back with tens of thousands of dollars saved up. We’re not a bunch of back water yokels who joined up for the opportunity of kill some little brown people.
This mother fucker “Jack” you you replied to (in quite a friendly manner I might add) openly endorsed the murdering of military officers. What’s worse, you did not even show the least bit of outrage at the idea of enlisted members turning on their officers. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American, you America hater you.

What’s “horrible” about noting that the military pays poorly, especially at enlistment? It’s hardly a secret, and there’s no crime in getting a bad salary. Of course, being called too “scared” (if that’s a way of noting that I prefer not to get killed without reason for some psycho “president,” than I’m guilty) by a Coast Guard dude who’ll never see as much combat as I have as a civilian journalist is, well, droll.
Jack didn’t “endorse” fragging officers. He predicted that we’d start seeing it soon, and I said I doubted it. Hardly the same thing, and I think his email was interesting enough to warrant sharing.

The Parable of the Bus

But there’s also love, this from Donald:

The August 4th comic is your best since the one — damn, wrote to you about it before but I forget the date — the one that showed us attacking them, and then when they retaliate (mildly) we say something like “That’s it!” and we attack them even more.
I’m in Mexico now (had to leave U.S.) but I remember well being a New Yorker and going through the do-I-keep-waiting-for-the-bus dilemma. This is exactly what’s happening now with our attitude towards Iraq, I
can’t think of a better way of capturing this than your comic today.
I don’t often write you dude, but I just want to say, you are like the only person out there and who gets widely published who expresses the kind of rage I feel over what is going on in Iraq. I was against
Afghanistan too. And the war on drugs before the war on terror. I always look forward to your next comic because I know it will help relieve a little bit of the aggravation I feel over everything that is
happening today.
(you do irk me a little when you tweak the libertarians, but hey, nobody’s perfect.)
Keep up the great work!

Actually, real (i.e., liberal) libertarians who just want the government out of their lives are pretty cool. Who doesn’t? It’s the phony (right-wing) libertarians who want everyone but their rich bow-tied selves to fuck off and die who piss me off.


Darrell writes from the US Air Force:

The “America-hating” label pisses me off, as well, since the implication is that all those who agree with you hate America, as well. Actually, I used to love America, but ever since they re-elected President Bush, I’ve begun having serious doubts about the American people’s ability to self-govern. Perhaps it’s not ability, but rather willingness, which is actually worse in my view.

My two cents not needed here.

Will Things Change?

Jack writes:

“Why, then, don’t we pull for the Iraqi insurgents?….Where the heck is our sense of empathy? Why can’t we see ourselves in the faces of those kids firing RPGs at convoys of Halliburton trucks stealing Iraqi oil?”
Mr. Rall,
You apparently don’t choose to see us.
True, we are not now, not yet, as numerous as those tens of thousands of us who in the Viet Nam era used to march down Fifth Avenue chanting the name of Ho Chi Minh and calling for “Victory To The Viet Cong.”
That time, with the continued exposure of this government of mad dogs, is now well on the way. So is the time when the poor suckers doing military duty in Iraq will express their understanding of their position in suckerdom by turning on their own officers just as they did with the Viet Nam era fraggings.
Make no mistake, there are many of us who ardently hope for the defeat of U.S. imperialism in Iraq, which situation is likely to lead straight down the rails to Socialist revolution in the U.S. with the British working class in the lead and showing the way.

Today’s military is a far cry from the draftee-heavy Vietnam-era force. These guys are volunteers, hired guns. Make no mistake about their “limited job opportunities”…the military pays less than McDonald’s, and McDonald’s hires even in West Virginia. These troops are there by choice.
It’s hard to hear the radicals when they’re not given airtime–but I don’t see them hanging out in the streets, either.

The Parable of the Bus

Josh writes:

Nice work on this week’s cartoon! Incisive and funny. Did you base the cartoon off of a classic parable or was this an original formulation? In either case i think it’s a great comic, i’d just be interested if you drew on a traditional parable.

I’ve lived in New York a long time. The bus is often late, forcing one into the dilemma described in the cartoon, and I’ve often used that analogy to attack those who say we have to stay in Iraq to “get the job done.” Why throw good lives after bad? This thing is no more winnable now than before…and that’s being optimistic. Hell, Bush is so fucking incompetent that, at this rate, we’ll be living under Iraqi occupation before long.

Don’t Read Immediately Before or After Eating

Here’s one hell of a story.
And yes, it does occur to me that the guy may be lying. But why? Oh, I know: he did it to himself to make a point. Uh-huh. But even if he is lying: Why shouldn’t this dude get the same access to the media as, say, the government? After all, we already know the government lies. This random dude, on the other hand, is still on the up-and-up as far as we know.

God Screw The Queen

Grey writes from the UK:

as you probably know…. Incredibly, under Tony Blair’s new rules, you could be (feloniously) deported from britain (to some hell on earth) for the empathy article. (if you lived there of course) He proposes to make “justifying” (or appeals for empathy?) a deportable offense!

Since I live here, I’m pre-deported. Hey, that worked out fine.


Guess what’s coming next Spring?

Hint: Good things come in threes.

War Casualties

Jason writes:

Since you are leading the charge in the Iraq/Afganistan editorializing:

Iraq only:

13,189 wounded
1,828 dead
That is a 13.8% fatality rate, roughly. The figure is up from 10% last year as attacks grow more deadly. But that’s not the story. Vietnam had fewer casualties in it’s first 4 years (61-65) at 10,000. And Vietnam’s fatality rate was 24%. Increased medical technology and body armor has allowed more soilders to survive severe attacks. These soilders are not being patched up and shipped home, they are not recieving “million dollar wounds.” Because the typical attack involves blast munitions, soilders are badly mutiliated, save the torso, and will require a lifetime of medical care. Blinding injuries are abnormally high. However, the public is more interested in fatality figures, this is not being reported. If this trend continues, and if the Bush administration continues to resist adequate responsibility for this war of arrogance and hubris, these statistics will come to the public’s attention too late.
Total for Vietnam 1961-73: 200,727 wounded, 47,424 dead
Source; New England Journal of Medicine, December 2004, US dept. of defense online, and icacasualties.org

What Jason says is true, but, as my cartoon coming out Monday riffs upon, the actual number of Iraq war dead, according to internal Pentagon documents, is more than 9,000. Why the discrepancy? Apparently you’re only counted as “killed in action” if your heart stops beating in Iraq. If you are wounded by an IED and die en route to an army hospital in Germany–even if you die during takeoff from Baghdad airport–you’re not counted among the 1,828.

Subway Searches

If the random searches of passengers riding the New York subway were designed to increase security, they’d return that dimebag of pot they found in your backpack, no questions asked. Right?

Instead, several people have already been arrested for non-terrorism-related contraband.
