NYT: Taliban = Terrorists

Aside from the ridiculous proposition that it is currently against the law for someone in the United States to send non-military aid to one side in a civil conflict in another country, this piece in the New York Times reveals the extent to which the media is in bed with the US government.

Check out these quotes below:

“Two New York City men have been arrested on charges that they sought to supply the Taliban and other terrorist fighters with warm clothes and equipment for use in wintertime battle with United States forces in Afghanistan, the authorities said on Thursday.”

The sentence explicitly states that the Taliban are terrorists. This is, at best, in opinion. In truth, the Taliban are indigenous resistance fighters against foreign occupation forces, and during the 1980s we called the same exact people freedom fighters.

More to the point, no journalist or quasi-independent newspaper should characterize the Taliban as terrorists. Just call them the Taliban and leave it at that. Everyone knows who they are.

“But in a statement, Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly said the arrests “demonstrate the spectrum of terrorism threats” that the police must guard against. He said the equipment that the men sought to provide “could have endangered the safety of Americans as much as supplies of guns and ammunition.””

The implication, obviously, is that the Americans referred to here are living in the United States. But of course, when you think about it, that’s not the case at all. The Americans who would be in danger of being attacked by the Taliban are US occupation troops engaged in an illegal war of imperialist expansion.

“Sean A. McNicholas, a lawyer for Mr. Alsarabbi, said that his client had “no idea” that the outerwear was heading for terrorists in Afghanistan, and that Mr. Alsarabbi was swept up in an investigation reliant on the work of an informant with questionable motives.”

Again with the terrorists! Again: calling them terrorists is ridiculous. This is just one of zillions of examples of why people like me say that this media is not free, and is merely a puppet of the regime.

You Know You’re an Xer When…


…you think Breakfast Club surl icon Kirstie Alley is inexplicably involved in high dudgeon.

That’s how I read “Christie Ally,” anyway.

The Death of Jar Jar Binks

Jar Jar Binks is one of the most despised movie characters in history. For a zine titled The Death of Jar Jar Binks, numerous cartoonists were asked to depict the demise of the Star Wars character anyway way they chose, with the execution being reminiscent of a shitty 1980s black-and-white zine.

I love doing these weird non-political cartoons (though this has a political angle, of course). I used to do them a lot during the 1980s and 1990s, but the market for strictly humorous cartoons has dried up.

The Death of Jar Jar Binks

As if you needed another reason not to join the military

Yesterday MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell reported that, due to the government shutdown, surviving families of US servicemen and servicewomen killed in Afghanistan and Iraq would have to wait until later to receive the $100,000 death benefits to which they were entitled.

Within hours political pundits and politicians from both parties were howling that this was an outrage. Yet neither of them proposed to do anything meaningful to ameliorate it.

This post is directed to those of you who are 17 or 18 years old, and who might have a passing thought to join the US military: don’t. This is why.

Not only is becoming a paid – low-paid – assassin for the US military immoral, it is stupid. When they’re done with you, they throw you away. That’s why the rates of poverty and suicide among veterans is sky high and going up all the time.

At bare minimum, you have the reasonable expectation that they will take care of your family if you pay the ultimate price for your role as a cog in the imperialist war machine, but no. Even when you think about it, $100,000 is a drop in the bucket compared to even a working-class American’s lifetime expected earnings. But when push comes to shove, they don’t even pay that out.

Frankly, there really isn’t any excuse anymore to claim ignorance about this sort of thing. The US military has cheated its veterans going back to the Revolutionary war, when land grants that were promised in the then developing West didn’t materialize. World War I veterans cheated of pay formed the famous Bonus Army in the 1930s, which was wiped out by federal troops as they camped out on the Washington Mall. And anyone who lives through the 1970s and 1980s saw the detritus of the heroes of the Vietnam War littering the streets of New York City and other major metropolises.

Don’t be an idiot. Don’t sign up.

One positive repercussion of the standoff over the debt limit

Listening to NPR just now, Pres. Obama was quoted saying that one negative repercussion of the current standoff between House Republicans and the White House over the federal budget and the debt limit is “missed opportunities” such as the inability of the United States to pimp a free trade deal in Asia.

Given the effect of such free-trade deals in the past, such as NAFTA and the WTO, which have cost Americans millions of jobs and have helped cripple the US economy more than anything else in recent memory, that can only be considered a good thing.

Let’s not get into the fact that Pres. Obama infamously promised to revisit NAFTA while running into 2008, only to cavalierly announce 2009 that that was just one of the things that he had said to get elected.

Spin Cycle

Talk about spin:

“This fast pace of sign-ups shows that New York State’s exchange is working smoothly with an overwhelming response from New Yorkers eager to get access to low-cost health insurance,” said Donna Frescatore, the executive director of the state exchange.

We’ll see later this week whether I can finally snag some insurance.

SYNDICATED COLUMN: Ted Rall Registers for Obamacare, Part II

Crashes, More Crashes and Sticker Shock

This week: I shop for Obamacare so you don’t have to!

Last week I spent six hours shopping for Obamacare on New York State’s healthcare marketplace website. Officials had estimated that it would take the average person seven minutes.

Either because I am not an average person or because the Obamacare people are idiots, I spent six hours setting up an account. You can’t log in without an account.

There were many questions. The site ran painfully slowly. But I slogged through.


Obamacare: I Have the Dish

For this week’s syndicated column, I’m going to continue my adventure with Obamacare (spoiler alert: it’s a disaster). Here’s a sneak preview:

Miracle of miracles, I was finally able to comparison shop on New York State’s healthcare marketplace.

If you’re like me, and you have a suffix (Sr., Jr., III, IV, V) in your name, the website does not know what to do. It kind of explodes.

All the plans offered by New York State do not allow you to go “out of network” for healthcare. In other words, you have to use a doctor in each private insurer’s list, or they don’t pay a cent of reimbursement. But — Catch-22 — there’s no way to find out whether your doctor, or your local hospital, or clinic — is on the list because the site’s primitive search function is “disabled” “due to overwhelming response.” Call me underwhelmed.

So that’s that.

Then there’s the rates: not low. Not affordable. Not, as Obama said, comparable to your cellphone bill.

New York State’s healthcare plans range from Fidelis Care’s “Bronze” plan at $810.84 per month to $2554.71 per month for something I didn’t bother to look up because if I had $2500+ a month to spend on doctors, I’d buy a doctor and have him/her live with me and dole out pills like I was Michael Jackson.

The deductibles — the amount you pay out of pocket every year before you the insurer has to give you anything at all — are outrageously high. Fidelis Care Bronze has a $3000/year deductible per person. I’m in pretty good health; it’s a rare year I spend that much on doctors.

After the $3000/year deductible, they pay 50% of your bills. So if you rack up $5000/year in medical bills, you pay $4000 and they pay $1000. Pretty damned crappy.

Worst of all, and contrary to the Obama Administration’s claims that we’d be able to apply for subsidies to offset these high insurance rates, there’s no sign of how or where you do that on New York State’s website.

This experience reminds me of Obama’s Make Home Affordable scheme, the voluntary refinancing plan the big banks used to avoid refinancing mortgages for distressed homeowners. I knew Obamacare would be bad, but I seriously had no idea it would be this bad.

Obamacare is Currently Unavailable

It’s Day 6 of Obamacare — and the healthcare exchange websites still aren’t working. Wanna know how not working they are? Here’s how much not: Google officially lists New York State’s healthcare marketplace as “Site Currently Unavailable.” Check it out:

This, President Obama + Obamabot defenders, is not a “glitch.” This is a fuckup. And it prompts some questions, like:

1. How many people will get tired of this shit and simply stop trying? If 47% of web users abandon an e-commerce website if it fails to load in 3 seconds, how many will give up and eat the $75 fine if it fails to load in 6 days?

2. Given that the available time to sign up is being eaten up by these inexcusable delays in implementation, will Americans get an extension, extra time to enroll?
