In Anticipation

It’s entirely possible that today’s cartoon won’t elicit more than the usual shrug and turn of the page. On the other hand, experience teaches that right-wingers freak out whenever you attack their sacred cows–and the gaudier the golden cow, the angrier they become when you point out that it’s nothing more than a lump of yellow metal.

By way of explanation for anyone who may have missed it, last week’s Republican National Convention featured a Tuesday-night September 11, 2001 commemoration wherein widows of the fallen were paraded out under blue tinted lights to urge implicitly and explicitly that America (in Rudy Giuliani’s words) owes it to the victims of 9/11 to vote the straight Republican ticket. As delegates whooped “yeahs” worthy of a football game, these horrible people pimped their dead husbands to score votes for a GOP that has nothing whatsoever to bring their killers to justice while increasing funding to the countries that played a role in the attacks. They actually compared the supposed actions* of the passengers of United Flight 93–“doing something”–to “doing something” this November, i.e., voting for Bush.

It doesn’t matter that some of the dead may have been Republicans. 9/11 should have never been used for partisan politics and it needs to stop now.


*Western Pennsylvania newspapers and TV stations report that debris was found eight miles away from the crash site, indicating that the flight was either shot down by the Air Force or suffered a catastrophic explosion. As much as we would all like it to be true, the fact that the US government has never publicly released the flight data recorder or voice cockpit recorders from United 93 sheds further doubt on the Drinkcart of Death theory.

Crash the RNC Party TONIGHT!

The party’s on…see you at Proof, Third Avenue between 19th and 20th Streets, 8 pm until ? $85 at the door, be there or you’re supporting Bush!

Book Signing Schedule Coming Together

The schedule for my appearances is shaping up. Here’s what we have so far, more details later. If you live in an area where I’m not appearing, this may be because your local daily or alternative weekly newspaper doesn’t carry my work. I’ve discovered that, without a paper to build an audience and to support the signing when it takes place, turnout tends to be dismal.

The obvious way to remedy this is to convince your paper to start carrying my cartoons and/or columns. Failing that, a book signing event can be made financially viable if a local group (typically a university) offers me airfare and an honorarium to speak in town.

Anyway, here it is:

9/28 – NYC

9/30 – NYC



Olympia, WA

San Juan Island, WA

Portland, OR


San Francisco

Los Angeles

It would be great to set something up in Santa Cruz, San Diego and/or Phoenix. If you’d like to help do that, please email me at

Air America Friday

I’ll be on Air America’s “Unfiltered” tomorrow morning at 11:30 am–hopefully with some amusing war stories to tell. Stay tuned.

Reminder: “NY Hates W” T-Shirts

The first batch is almost gone, so if you want to receive your “New York Hates Dubya” Ted Rall-designed T-shirt parodies of the old “I Love NY” shirt, now’s the time to order.

Go to

RNC Miscellany

Security is one thing, intimidation another.On the C train on my way downtown to the Air America appearance this morning, the subway doors opened up at 34th Street-Pennsylvania Station to an unusual sight: large cops in riot gear, smacking their billy clubs into their open palms at each door of every car. Hmm. Maybe it’s better to get off at 23rd Street.

The gruesome parade of 9/11 widows at last night’s RNC deserves comment. Americans should “do something,” one of them said. Though she harkened to the United 93 passengers who supposedly rebelled against the hijackers–still zero proof to that tale, of course–she meant we should all “do something”–vote Republican this fall. The politization of 9/11 continued with Rudy Giuliani’s bizarre assertion that we owe it to the victims to vote for Bush.

Ed Koch’s endorsement of the Bush-Cheney ticket retroactively belied his pleas, supposedly as a Democrat, to New Yorkers of liberal stripe to “make nice” to the Republican delegates. One is as one votes, and Ed Koch is as much of a Democrat as Michael Bloomberg is a Republican. Thanks, Ed, for finally outting yourself.

As the cameras scanned the sea of Caucasian faces across the convention hall, I was struck by something I’d never noticed before. Republicans, or at least Republican delegates, have no sparkle in their eyes. Like sharks, sheep and other braindead species, GOP adherents have a blank stare. Odd, and a little scary.

“Crash the Party” This Thursday Night in NYC

“Crash the Party”

A fundraiser to benefit the Kerry-Edwards campaign

Thursday, September 2, 2004

New York City

Between orange alerts and heartlanders in straw hats, there are loads of reasons to blow town during the Republican National Convention. But here’s an incentive to stick around …

On Thursday, September 2nd on the East Side of Manhattan, we are inviting supporters of regime change in the U.S.A. and their friends to join us for cocktails, conversation, and controversy in support of the team that wants to lead America in a new direction — John Kerry and John Edwards.

By any measure, the highlight of the evening will be George W. Bush’s acceptance of the Grand Old Party nomination, carried live on 25 screens through the miracle of television. Listen respectfully as our president recites his accomplishments on the economy, world peace and the environment … or, you could express your true feelings. (The conventioneers at the Garden will wonder what that dull roar coming from the East could be.)

Fueling our enthusiasm will be open bar (beer, wine, and liquor) and light hors d’oeuvres, accelerated by the soon-to-be-infamous Bushisms drinking game!

Attendance is limited, so reserve immediately!




239 Third Avenue between 19th and 20th Streets


8 p.m. The party starts

10 p.m. W takes the podium


$85 at the door

$75 in advance (Paypal to

All proceeds of this event go to support the Kerry-Edwards election campaign!

Presented with the support of the New York State Democratic Committee. Contributions to this event are not tax-deductible. RSVP and further information, please email

Air America Appearance

I’ll be on Air America Radio’s “Unfiltered” at 10:30 am East Coast time (I think it’s the same time in other time zones though I’m not 100% certain) to discuss the Republican National Convention and the way New Yorkers are reacting to it.

The People, Divided

“They’re all over the island!” the police captain at New York’s Union Square screamed in a panic into his walkie talkie. “They’re doing stuff!” But in reality, yesterday’s anti-RNC march suffered more from low turnout and the usual leftie wimpiness than anarchist violence.

After polls of New Yorkers indicated that 14 percent of the population–a million people–planned to protest the Republican National Convention, estimates of merely 100,000 had to be a disappointment to protest organizers. I suspect the lack of a rally at the end, coupled with fears of police-led violence–which marred the February 15, 2003 anti-Iraq war march here–contributed to that low number. Certainly by the march’s denouement at Union Square, the crowd was much thinner than in February 2003.

At several points overzealous police carried off protesters who dared raise their voices by yelling at them. A few people tried to heckle them, but most of the crowd was clearly scared.

The people met the police state yesterday. The people lost.

Pre-Convention: Live, From the War Zone

Nervous New York City cops have prohibited parking throughout neighborhoods up to three miles away from the Madison Square Garden convention site. Today all along 11th Avenue as far north as 57th Street, orange cones and notices informed motorists that they wouldn’t be allowed to park there. Homeless people, driven by rough NYPD tactics away from midtown, are streaming uptown into Riverside Park.

Meanwhile the exodus of ordinary New Yorkers continues apace. This afternoon at noon one could have somewhat safely taken a snooze in the street at Times Square. Police were everywhere–on horses, in golf carts, on foot. I’ve lived here since 1981, but I never knew we had so many cops on the payroll. Hey, how about using them to stop crime sometime? That would be a welcome change from whatever it is these guys normally do.

There are more pro-Kerry and anti-Bush buttons on shirts in the subway. Obvious Republican delegates are shuffling nervously through the streets.

Republicans are smart enough to know they’re hated by New Yorkers. As a secret email went out to Young Republicans said, “We will also require you to have a YR Credential for many of our events. With the mass number of protesters expected in NYC, we are working hard to ensure that nobody disturbs the great time we have planned. Please remember you will need a photo ID for all convention events!”

To top it all off, tomorrow’s big protest march will occur during one of the hottest days of a relatively cool summer so far. The forecast is for highs in the 90s, with humidity and haze–and that’s in the shade, not on the hot asphalt where the protest will occur. United for Peace and Justice, it turns out, was wise to walk away from the West Side Highway deal. That area’s going to be a frying pan tomorrow.
