The Final Countdown – 6/26/23 – Greek Conservatives Win Big as Other European Nations Face Similar Fates

On this episode of The Final Countdown, the hosts Ted Rall and Jamarl Thomas discuss top news including the Greek elections. 
Scott Stantis: Cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune 
Mark Sleboda: International Relations and Security Analyst 
Angie Wong: Journalist
The show starts with Scott Stantis, Cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune who joins to discuss the Navajo Water fight. 
In the second half of the first hour, the hosts spoke to Mark Sleboda International Relations and Security Analyst to talk about the failed Wagner Group rebellion. 
The second hour begins with journalist Angie Wong on the latest out of the Hunter Biden drama. 
The show closes with hosts discussing the Greek and other EU elections. 

The Final Countdown – 6/23/23 – Biden Rolls Out Red Carpet for India’s Modi

On this episode of The Final Countdown, the hosts Ted Rall and Manila Chan discuss breaking news, including Modi visiting Biden in Washington. 

Jeremy Kuzmarov: Managing Editor of Covert Action Magazine, and author 
Mark Sleboda: International Relations and Security Analyst
Rory Riley Topping: Attorney, broadcaster, former Congressional staffer 
The show starts with Managing Editor of Covert Action Magazine Jeremy Kuzmarov who joins to discuss Modi visiting Biden in Washington. 
In the second half of the first hour, the hosts spoke to Mark Sleboda International Relations and Security Analyst to talk about the latest out of the Ukraine counteroffensive. 
The second hour begins with the attorney Rory Riley Topping, attorney, broadcaster, and former Congressional staffer discussing the one-year anniversary of Roe v. Wade being overturned. 

The Funeral Dirge of Trump’s Opponents

           “Trump always gets all the coverage,” an adviser to one of Trump’s opponents tells Politico. “This is what it’s like to run against Trump.”

            Poor babies! If only Trump’s rivals could do something to get attention.

            Trump gets more media attention because he’s unpredictable and therefore interesting. “Listen, because you never knew what he would say, there was an attraction to put those [Trump rallies] on the air,” CNN President Jeff Zucker explained in an effort to defend the fact that his network covered more of Trump’s live appearances than Hillary Clinton’s. Ratings drive revenue. Why air Clinton’s cut-and-paste stump speeches—a campaign staple that should have remained in the 19th century—when you know bored viewers will tune away?

            Memo to Hillary: you could have played the same game. If you had, you might have won.

            Trump’s secret sauce is out there in plain sight. If one of his viewers wants to mount a serious challenge to the former president’s current lead, they ought to try out his formula for attracting free media: ditch the boring scripted speeches, speak extemporaneously, identify voter concerns that politicians have never addressed before, defy party orthodoxy, avoid jargon, make fun of other candidates, use straightforward, simple language.

In a political world of bores and prigs, Donald Trump is entertaining. Hey Republicans! You can do it too!

During his first campaign Trump hammered away at deindustrialization. “George,” he said on ABC’s “This Week,” I’ve gone all over this country over the last three—really, more the eight weeks than ever before. And I’ve gone over and I’ve seen factories that are just empty, beautiful factories, although now they’re not so beautiful, because they’re starting to crumble. But I’ve seen buildings that used to house thousands and thousands of people and they’re just empty. You can buy them for $2. And I stayed in New York…Pennsylvania…Carrier, Ford…I want them to come back.” No American politician had ever spoken to the hollowing out of the Rust Belt before, much less promised to reform trade agreements to protect U.S. manufacturing jobs. It won him the Midwest and the election.

Who would have thought that so many Republicans agreed with him that Bush’s invasion of Iraq was a mistake? He understood something other Republicans didn’t: it was always Pat Buchanan’s party.

Trump takes chances. He’s bold and brash. He doesn’t give a F. Which is why his supporters love him.

            Wanna win? Embrace the risky lifestyle, anti-Trump Republicans! You have nothing to lose but the Republican nomination—which you’ll lose otherwise.

            N.B.: This advice is not for all of Trump’s rivals. Nikki Haley, the Republicans’ Kamala Harris, sits in low single digits. Like the Clive Owen character in the movie “Inside Man,” however, she’s exactly where she wants to be. She’s running for vice president; she needs to be noticed without exuding the Bernie Sanders-level charisma that intimidates a presidential nominee. Chris Christie is a Fury out to hound Trump just because. Asa Hutchinson wants people to know he’s alive. (It’s not working.) No one, including Mike Pence, knows why Mike Pence is in the race.

“[Trump] has a wide lead because he dominates the conversation,” Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, another challenger, said on Fox News. “And I think the press—and you know I don’t want to fault the press—but that’s all they want to talk about. If we keep talking about the former president, frankly, I’m sure he’s sitting at home in Mar-a-Lago smiling and laughing because they’re giving him the nomination.”

Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, Tim Scott and Doug Burgum are classic attentistes. If and when something happens to Lord Trump, God of the RealClearPolitics National Average, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Shamed, running 51 to 53% in the polls and rising—if and when he chokes on a taco bowl, goes to prison, is eaten by vengeful orcas, whatever, please, God, they pray nightly, do something—the attentistes will vie for the title of heir apparent to the throne of Maga-stan. Until that time, soon may it come, the Great Orange One reigns supreme and the attentistes defend him against persecuting prosecutorial Democrat infidels, vowing fealty and obeisance as they bide their time.

Waiting around like a toad hoping that Trump will die or go to prison before next summer’s Republican National Convention is not a serious strategy. True, Trump is old and fat and never exercises; he is under indictment on serious criminal charges. Still, odds are he’ll survive and remain free on appeal for at least a year. The fact that DeSantis has raised hundreds of millions of dollars speaks to how easily donors can be persuaded to waste cash on a high-risk investment.

DeSantis et al. face a choice. They can keep on keeping on, waiting to fight for Trump’s spot if and when he drops out, wallowing in wonkdom (c.f., DeSantis’ “medical authoritarianism” and “cultural Marxism”) as the electorate and TV producers fight their collective urge to fall asleep.

            Or they can become interesting.

            (Ted Rall (Twitter: @tedrall), the political cartoonist, columnist and graphic novelist, co-hosts the left-vs-right DMZ America podcast with fellow cartoonist Scott Stantis. You can support Ted’s hard-hitting political cartoons and columns and see his work first by sponsoring his work on Patreon.)


The Final Countdown – 6/22/23 – Indian President Visits U.S. Amid Row With China

On this episode of The Final Countdown, the hosts Ted Rall and Manila Chan discuss hot topics, including Modi visiting Biden in Washington. 
Sourabh Gupta: Senior Asia-Pacific International Relations Policy Specialist 
Nebojsa Malic: Serbian-American journalist, blogger, and translator 
Steve Gill: Attorney and CEO of Gill Media 
Jamarl Thomas: Cohost of Fault Lines
The show starts with Senior Asia-Pacific International Relations Policy Specialist Sourabh Gupta who joins to discuss Modi visiting Biden in Washington. 
In the second half of the first hour, the hosts spoke to Serbian American journalist Nebojsa Malic to talk about the latest round of sanctions against Russia from the EU. 
The second hour begins with the attorney and CEO of Gill Media Steve Gill, to discuss the Durham testimony. 
The show wraps up with Co-host of Fault Lines Jarmal Thomas to talk about the third-party presidential candidates. 

The Final Countdown – 6/21/23 – U.S. Doubles Down on Claim China is Building Base in Cuba

On this episode of The Final Countdown, the hosts Ted Rall and Manila Chan discuss a wide range of topics, including U.S. claims of China opening a base in Cuba.  

Ted Harvey: Former Colorado State Senator, Chairman of
KJ Noh: Journalist, Political Analyst, Writer, & Teacher
Luis Garate: Journalist, Expert in International Relations, and Director of Comunicambio 

The show starts with Former Colorado State Senator and Chairman of Ted Harvey joins to discuss Hunter Biden’s plan to plead guilty. 
In the second half of the first hour, the hosts spoke to journalist KJ Noh to talk about U.S. claims of China opening a base in Cuba. 
The show wraps up with Luis Garate talking about the ex-Prime Minister of Peru being detained on conspiracy charges. 

DMZ America Podcast #105: Hunter Biden Skates, Donald Trump Going to Trial, Teenage Depression

The DMZ America podcast features two political cartoonists who happened to be best friends. Ted Rall (Andrews McMeel Syndication, Wall Street Journal, WhoWhatWhy) comes from the Left; Scott Stantis (Andrews McMeel Syndication, Chicago Tribune, Dallas Morning News) comes from the Right.

Hunter Biden once again assumes his role as America’s Prince Andrew: safe, protected, facing minimal charges. In this case, it’s two years probation for evading the payment of $100,000 in taxes and for a gun charge. Republicans are going crazy. Maybe they have a point.

Former President Donald Trump has a trial date in his federal criminal case related to improper handling of classified documents: August 14. Scott and Ted examine the shocking political and legal repercussions of this completely unprecedented case, and what it means for the future of the country and democracy as we head into a presidential election.

Teenage depression hits new lows as more young people than ever before tell psychologists, that they feel worthless and without hope for the future. The cause: social media and digital devices. We don’t let a 12-year-old drive a car. Should we be allowing a six-year-old on Instagram?

Watch the Video Version of the DMZ America Podcast:

DMZ America Podcast Ep 105 Sec 1: Hunter Biden Skates

DMZ America Podcast Ep 105 Sec 2: Donald Trump Going to Trial

DMZ America Podcast Ep 105 Sec 3: Teenage Depression at New Lows

The Final Countdown – 6/20/23 – Judge Sets Trial Date for Trump’s Federal Charges

On this episode of The Final Countdown, the hosts Ted Rall and Manila Chan discuss breaking news, including Trump’s federal charges. 
Mitch Roschelle: Media Commentator, Public Speaker 
Angie Wong: Journalist 
Mark Sleboda: International Relations and Security Analyst 
Esteban Carrillo: Ecuadorean journalist and Editor for The Cradle
The show kicks off with Media Commentator and Public Speaker Mitch Roschelle talking about RFK Jr. challenging a doctor to debate him about vaccines. 
In the second half of the first hour, the hosts spoke to journalist Angie Wong to talk about Trump’s federal charges.
In the first half of the final hour, International Relations and Security Analyst Mark Sleboda talks about the latest out of Ukraine. 
The show wraps up with Esteban Carrillo talking about the political situation in Palestine. 

The Final Countdown – 6/19/23 – Can a Top Level Meeting Cool U.S.-Chinese Tensions?

On this episode of The Final Countdown, the hosts Ted Rall and Manila Chan discuss top news, including Blinken and Xi’s meeting in China. 

Melik Abdul: Cohost of Fault Lines 
Andy Mok: Senior Research Fellow at the Center for China and Globalization 
KJ Noh: Journalist, Political Analyst, Writer & Teacher 
Clinton Nzala: Political Commentator based in Nairobi, Writer for Africa Stream   
The show kicks off with Cohost of Fault Lines Melik Abdul to discuss Republicans’ lessons from the elections of 2020. 
In the second half of the first hour, the hosts spoke to Andy Mok, a Senior Research Fellow at the Center for China and Globalization to talk about A.I. and deep fakes in the upcoming 2024 elections. 
In the first half of the final hour, KJ Noh, Journalist and Political Analyst, discusses Blinken’s visit to China. 
The show wraps up with Clinton Nzala Political Commentator and writer for Africa Stream to talk about the South African president’s treatment in Poland. 

The Final Countdown – 6/16/23 – Pentagon Leaker Indicted on Six Counts

On this episode of The Final Countdown, the hosts Ted Rall and Manila Chan discuss top news, including the indictment of Jack Texiera.  
Dr. Adrienne Pine: Medical Anthropologist, Professor  
Dr. David Bell: Former WHO Physician and scientist  
Daniel McAdams: Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity 
KJ Noh: Journalist, Political Analyst, Writer & Teacher 
The show kicks off with Dr. Adrienne Pine, Medical Anthropologist and Professor to discuss Texas Gov. Abbott dropping off migrants in L.A. 
In the second half of the first hour, the hosts spoke to Dr. David Bell, Former WHO Physician, and Scientist to discuss the new COVID vaccine recommended by the FDA. 
In the first half of the final hour, Daniel McAdams, Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity joins to discuss Rachel Maddow and the indictment of Discord leaker Jack Teixeira.  
The show wraps up with Journalist and Political Analyst KJ Noh to discuss the new NATO liaison office in Japan, and the country supplying weapons to the U.S. for Ukraine. 

The Final Countdown – 6/15/23 – Grand Jury to Indict Daniel Penny in Jordan Neely Chokehold Death

On this episode of The Final Countdown, the hosts Ted Rall and Manila Chan discuss hot topics, including the indictment of Daniel Penny.  

Angie Wong: Journalist 

Rory Riley Topping: Attorney, broadcaster, former Congressional staffer 
Elijah Mangier: Veteran war correspondent, political analyst 
John Kirakou: Cohost of Political Misfits  
The show kicks off with journalist Angie Wong, joining to discuss New York City’s minimum wage for delivery workers.
In the second half of the first hour, the hosts spoke to Rory Riley Topping, attorney, broadcaster, and former Congressional staffer to discuss the indictment of Daniel Penny. 
In the first half of the final hour, Veteran War correspondent and political analyst Elijah Mangier joins to discuss the mini-Iran Deal. 
The show wraps up with Political Misfits Co-Host and Former CIA Whistleblower John Kirakou to discuss the UN report on the record number of displaced people. 