Check out militant moderate CNN talking head John Avlon’s pick for (left) Wingnut of the Week: me.
He’s entitled to his opinion. Obviously. What is amazingly disingenuous is Avlon’s approach: he never explains why I asked Obama to resign. Even when he’s asked “where is that coming from?” he doesn’t answer. That’s right–he doesn’t mention the topic of my column, which is Obama’s plan to radically change American law to permit the government to hold people in preventative detention (Obama calls it “prolonged detention”) in case they might commit a crime in the future.
It’s an amazingly dishonest smear–one that glosses over the possibility that anyone would have a legitimate reason to oppose Obama.
Could it be that, if they heard about Obama’s plan–one that the New York Times called one of the biggest changes in our legal system ever–most Americans would agree with me?