Book Review: San Diego Union-Tribune

Writing in the San Diego Union-Tribune, Martin Zimmerman recommends YOLD as the perfect stocking stuffer:

Ted Rall is a terrific journalist (“Silk Road to Ruin”), a take-no-prisoners political cartoonist (“America Gone Wild,” to name just one collection, and his work runs in many media outlets) and … gigolo?

Well, he was once, in 1984, aka “The Year of Loving Dangerously” (NBM, 127 pages, $18.95). Rall, as memoirist, teams up with artist Pablo G. Callejo (“Castaways”) to look at an anus horribilus most of us would just as soon forget: His girlfriend dumped him, he was kicked out of college, booted from his job, you name it. He drifts from woman to woman, to survive. There’s sex, sure, but it’s a hard and humiliating way to go, and Rall is brutal as he savages himself and the choices he made:

“What begins as simple opportunities quickly devolves into a jumble of guilt, bitterness and a host of other dangerous emotions.”

“anus horribilus”?!?
