Obviously this will just be brushed off and ignored and everyone will continue to say that it’s just a few bad apples, that most U.S. soldiers treat Iraqis with respect.
Why did My Lai raise hell in 1968? It wouldn’t matter now.
Obviously this will just be brushed off and ignored and everyone will continue to say that it’s just a few bad apples, that most U.S. soldiers treat Iraqis with respect.
Why did My Lai raise hell in 1968? It wouldn’t matter now.
I’ll be speaking at the Ohioana Book Festival in Columbus, Ohio on Saturday, May 8th. On Friday May 7th I’ll also be there selling my latest tome “The Year of Loving Dangerously.”
With a few hours more than a day to go, more than 200 supporters came through with the $25,000 I was trying to raise through Kickstarter:
At this writing, there is $25,845 in funding provided by 210 people. (Kickstarter allows supporters to make pledges over the funding amount; any funds over my initial $25,000 request will be used toward trip expenses that would otherwise have come out of my pocket.) Amazing!
Thank you to everyone who pledged funds toward my upcoming return to Afghanistan. I am in awe of your tremendous generosity and commitment to independent journalism, literally putting your money where my mouth is, at a time of extreme economic pain and when the mainstream media seems to have abandoned the search for truth in favor of access. I promise to work hard to justify your trust and faith in me.
I will be posting updates here and elsewhere to keep you advised about the progress of this project. In the next few months, I will need to obtain visas for Afghanistan and neighboring countries, including Iran, arrange flights and alert fixers, find the perfect hat to keep the desert sun off, and consider the painful prospect of growing the world’s ugliest beard. I’m currently planning for a trip throughout the month of August.
I will file blog entries from Afghanistan, and when I get back I’ll have a book to write. And hopefully I will find out some things worth knowing about a country the United States military has been occupying for nearly a decade—with no end in sight.
Obama Revives Clinton’s Disastrous Triangulation Strategy
“It was Bill Clinton who recognized that the categories of conservative and liberal played to Republican advantage and were inadequate to address our problems,” President Obama wrote in his book The Audacity of Hope. “Clinton’s third way…tapped into the pragmatic, non-ideological attitude of Americans.”
Clinton’s “third way” was “triangulation,” a term and strategy invented by his pollster Dick Morris. Triangulation is a candidate’s attempt to position himself above and between the left and the right. A Democrat, Clinton insulated himself from Republican attacks by appropriating many of their ideas.
Obama is even more of a triangulator than Clinton.
Triangulation can work for candidates in the short term. Clinton got reelected by a landslide in 1996. (It failed, though, for Gore in 2000 and Kerry in 2004.) But triangulation hurts parties, which sell an ideological point of view. Clinton worked so hard to out-Republican the Republicans that he forgot he was a Democrat-. He also forgot that Democratic voters expected to see liberal policies.
Clinton’s greatest achievements ended up being Republican platform planks: free trade deals like NAFTA and the WTO, welfare reform, balancing the federal budget on the backs of the poor and working class.
By the way, Dick Morris is now a Republican. Maybe he always was.
Because of Clintonian triangulation, the liberal base of the Democratic Party saw the 1990s as a squandered opportunity: eight years of unprecedented economic expansion with not one new social program, not even national healthcare, to show for it. They got the message: voting Democratic doesn’t guarantee Democratic policies. Unenthused, liberals stayed home or voted for Ralph Nader in 2000. Liberal disgust for triangulation (they called it “selling out”) sufficiently reduced Al Gore’s margin of victory to allow George W. Bush to steal Florida and the national election. It took the Democrats six years to begin to recover.
Obama ran as a centrist. It would come as little surprise if he were governing as one.
But he’s not a moderate president.
Obama is a Republican.
A right-wing Republican. Thanks to triangulation gone wild.
In his first year Obama chose to continue numerous Bush Administration policies, many of which originated in the far extreme wing of the GOP. Each of the following asterisks represents a broken campaign promise:
Keeping the Guantánamo torture camp open*
Continuing the war against Iraq*
Expanding the war against Afghanistan
Renewing the USA Patriot Act*
No-string bank bailouts
Continuing “military commission” kangaroo trials*
Reserving the right to torture*
Continuing the NSA’s “domestic surveillance” program of spying on innocent Americans’ emails and phone calls*
It took over a year, but Obama can finally point to two legislative achievements: healthcare reform and reducing private banks’ role in the issuance of student loans. The student loan bill, though a step in the right direction, is liberal but too modest. Student loans ought to be replaced by grants. Ultimately, universities and colleges will have to be nationalized.
Obama’s revamp of healthcare, on the other hand, goes too far, perverting the liberal desire to provide healthcare for all Americans into a transfer of wealth from poor to rich that the hard right never dreamed of.
Buying into the classic, flawed, American assumption that a bad system can’t get worse (ask the Iraqis and Afghans), ObamaCare entrusts 30 million new customers, to the tune of roughly ten grand a year each, to the tender mercies of private insurance companies.
ObamaCare pours hundreds of billions of dollars, some from taxpayers, the rest from poor people, into the gaping coffers of giant corporations. Once people find themselves paying even more for visits to the same crappy doctors and hospitals they can’t afford now, they’ll hold the Dems responsible at the polls. If Republicans stopped to think, they’d love it.
And if Democrats stopped to think, they’d hate it.
Most Americans, and almost all liberal Democrats, want socialized medicine. Like they have in the rest of the world. Failing that, they were willing to settle for single-payer. When Obama let it be known that Mr. Audacity was going to lead as anything but, they prayed for a “public option.” What they got: zero.
Actually, less than zero: We were better off before. Taxes will go up for the already insured. For those about to be forcibly insured, they’ll have to pay more. And here’s the kicker: not only will the insurance companies be making higher profits at our expense, so will the federal government.
The Congressional Budget Office, invariably described in pieces like this as “the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office,” projects that the U.S. Treasury will come out ahead by $130 billion over 10 years.
Deficit negativity helped score votes among Democratic deficit hawks in Congress. But again, think about it: If the healthcare bill is making a profit for the U.S. government, where is that $130 billion coming from?
Correct: you and me. Our taxes will be higher than they should be, our health benefits will be less.
Obama, the media and many of us have forgotten what the problem was in the first place. Healthcare costs were too high. Thanks to this monster of a bill, they’ll go even higher.
The government should not make a profit off sick people.
Even the Republicans wouldn’t propose a tax this regressive.
Now Obama is echoing Sarah Palin, right-winger-turned-Tea-Partier. “Drill, baby, drill!” says the president, guaranteeing oil-soaked beaches decades after he has retired. It’s a terrible policy for the environment, won’t lower gas prices by one red penny, and will further turn off liberal Democrats.
Democrats will lose seats in Congress this fall. It may already be too late for Democrats to keep the White House in 2012. But if they continue to follow the Clinton-Obama triangulation strategy, they could destroy themselves for years to come. They might even expose the overall bankruptcy of our two-party pseudo-democracy.
(Ted Rall is working on a radical political manifesto for publication this fall. His website is tedrall.com.)
Check out my first tattoo! I drew it; Josh did the hard part, getting cut.
A fan of my cartoons, Josh asked me to design a canary in a birdcage (“traditional dome cover”) for his arm. We discussed the details, I drew and sent him the artwork, and violà! Body modification à la punk rock.
Here, in reverse chronological order, is the process of tattooing.
(If you’re interested in having me design a tattoo to your specifications, get in touch. There is a fee.)
What Lefties Could Learn from The Party of No
“Damn! I wish I was a man,” sang folksinger Cindy Lee Berryhill in the 1980s. Me, I wish I was a Republican.
Conservatives dress frumpy, are all white and bland and suburbany, and don’t know much about history. But they have more fun than liberals. They stick together. And they fight for what they believe in (or, more often, they fight against what they’re against).
Right-wingers are tough.
Why can’t left-wingers be tough? Tough feels right. More importantly, tough works. Tough wins.
So here’s a toast: to guts, glory, and the Party of No. May we learn from them.
Consider where the GOP was ages and ages ago—OK, this is almost embarrassing to say—in November 2008. Republicans had lost control of both houses of Congress. Six months later, they were still in trouble, reeling from the defection of Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania. The GOP, Jonathan Capehart wrote in The Washington Post, was in crisis. “[It] hasn’t coalesced around any ideas that weren’t born in the Reagan years. It hasn’t been able to muster the kind of galvanizing policy positions that made the Contract with America a rallying point for Republicans to go toe to toe with President Clinton in the 1990s. And it’s still in search of a leader…While the party isn’t over for Republicans, it’s getting there.”
What a difference a year of holding firm—and Democratic wankery—makes.
By January 6, 2010, The New York Times reported that Obama and the Democrats were “facing a shifting and perilous political environment that could have big implications for this year’s midterm elections and his own agenda.”
Healthcare is a lose-lose: If it fails, Obama won’t have a single major legislative achievement to his credit by this fall. If it passes, the details Democrats have managed to keep secret—high deductibles, co-pays, mandated payments to private insurers—will cost them in the midterm elections and possibly in 2012.
Dems are also taking hits for the financial bailouts—ironically, since the first round of banker giveaways began under Bush. But Americans have short memories. And no one is buying Obama’s argument that 20-plus percent underemployment rate would have been even worse without the bailouts.
Going into the 2010 midterm election season, right-wingers are fired up by the Tea Party and their thinly-disguised contempt for the fact that a black guy is in the White House. Liberals, on the other hand, couldn’t possibly be less motivated to serve as the Democratic Party base. They see healthcare as a sellout to insurers, hate the bailouts, and are disgusted by Obama’s decision (advertised in 2008, but Americans have short memories, dontcha know) to expand the war against Afghanistan. They won’t turn out to vote. As things look now, November 2010 will be a rout.
Capehart was right: the Republicans didn’t have any new ideas.
They didn’t need any.
Voters who back a losing party are angry. But they are realistic. They know their guys are in the minority. They only expect their representatives to do one thing: obstruct the other party as much as possible.
Which is exactly what the Republicans, led by Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell, have done. They have driven Democrats crazy.
As The New York Times put it: “Republicans are monolithically against the health care legislation, leaving the president and his party executing parliamentary back flips to get it passed, conservatives revived, liberals wondering what happened.”
The “party of no,” as liberal commentators slagged the GOP, is unified in its opposition to what it calls big-government, but is in reality opposed to anything the Democrats want. Which is just the way Republican voters like it.
“Their goal,” said Senate Democratic whip Richard Durbin of Illinois,” is to slow down activity to stop legislation from passing in the belief that this will embolden conservatives in the next election and will deny the president a record of accomplishment.”
Is that supposed to be criticism?
Sounds to me like they’re making the most of their 41 percent control of the Senate. Sounds to me like they’re giving Republican voters a reason to support them.
During the early years of the Bush regime, the Senate was split 50-50. One can’t help admire the unity of today’s 41-vote minority Republicans to the passive wimpdom of the 50-vote Senate Democrats of 2001-2002. Bush got everything he wanted: his invasion of Afghanistan, legalized torture, Guantánamo, the USA-Patriot Act, tax cuts for the wealthy, the build-up to the Iraq War. Democrats never held as few seats as Republicans hold now—yet they never lifted a finger to slow down Bush’s agenda.
Finally, consider the results. Cowardly Bush-era Dems lost seats in 2002 and 2004. Balls-to-the-wall Obama-era Republicans will almost certainly gain in 2010.
What’s the point of being a Democrat? When they lose, they let the other side have their way. When they win, they do the same.
Democrats will soon have another chance to redeem themselves—as a minority party.
Damn! I wish I were a Republican.
(Ted Rall is the author, with Pablo G. Callejo, of the graphic memoir “The Year of Loving Dangerously.”)
Bill a Bailout for Insurers, Disastrous for Americans
The details of Obama’s healthcare plan are finally starting to come out. They are ugly. (Some of the lowlights are revealed below.) This nightmare should be aborted.
I am writing this as someone who wants socialized medicine. I am a leftie. I lost my medical insurance in December when my insurer, HIP, jacked up my rate to $920 a month.
America desperately needs smart, strong opposition to ObamaCare. The worst part of this bad plan is its “mandate,” which requires the uninsured to buy insurance at hyper-inflated prices from greedy for-profit private corporations.
We can’t count on so-called liberals to fight for us. Despite everything, they’re still sucking up to Obama. We need a passel of old-fashioned conservatives to come to our rescue.
But old-fashioned libertarian conservatism is dead. What we’ve got instead are fools like David Rivkin.
Rivkin, a right-wing lawyer who worked in the Reagan-Bush Justice Department, recently fired the first salvo against Obama’s healthcare mandate in The Wall Street Journal.
Requiring Americans to buy health insurance from a for-profit monopoly is stupid and immoral. But Rivkin and other Federal Society types, they of bow ties and tiny brains, rely on a different approach: suing. They say the ObamaCare mandate is unconstitutional. “If you say the government can mandate your behavior as far as this insurance goes,” he wrote, “there will be nothing the government can’t do. They can control every single way in which you dispose of your income.”
There’s a reason lawyers tend to be liberal. Most lawyers are smart.
Rivkin isn’t. As late as 2009, Rivkin was still arguing that Bush-Cheney-Obama’s “harsh interrogation techniques” weren’t torture.
As Mark Hall, a law professor specializing in public health at Wake Forest University, points out, Congress enjoys “ample power and precedent through the Constitution’s ‘commerce clause’ to regulate just about any aspect of the national economy.” Congress can make us buy health insurance. The $750 penalty in the current version of the Senate bill being considered this week—for refusing to buy health insurance—would be enforced via the IRS. Congress has the power to tax income, Hall reminds us.
So the court challenges of the future will be fun for lawyers. And Rivkin will still be spouting nonsense in the WSJ. Meanwhile, the rest of us will be stuck with the horrors of ObamaCare.
What horrors they are, too.
Obama’s proposed solution to our healthcare non-system, which is a national disgrace, will pour billions of dollars into the pockets of the very same people who caused the problem in the first place: insurance companies.
Insurance companies routinely deny valid claims. Their lobbyists help protect regional monopolies. They jack up rates much faster than inflation, underpay doctors, and kill tens of thousands of people a year thanks to denied claims and rates that are unaffordable. They pay their CEOs tens of millions a year—with our premiums.
Any sane solution to the healthcare disaster would begin with shutting down health insurance companies, then move on to nationalizing the entire system. Public health should not mix with the profit incentive.
But ObamaCare won’t do a thing to rein in the insurers. Quite the contrary: for-profit healthcare stands to gain up to 30 million new customers.
Alas, these new clients will not be happy.
Under the Obama/Senate plan, the poor—individuals who currently earn under $14,500—would be required to go on Medicaid. Unless they don’t qualify for whatever reason, in which case they would have to pay at least two percent of their income to private insurers, or get dinged $750 a year.
The working poor, meanwhile, would get charged a percent of their income on a sliding scale. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, federal subsidies for poor workers would be too low. People who earn between $14,500 and $43,000 a year would pay between four and 12 percent of their annual income to private insurers. (That’s right: someone who makes $43,000 would have to shell out $430 a month. If they live in a high-tax place like New York,that would leave them about $2,000 a month to live on after taxes.)
And let’s not forget about deductibles.
As anyone who has ever dealt with private insurance knows, deductibles are the odious practice of official non-coverage—insurance doesn’t start paying (if they don’t deny your claim for some BS reason) until you’ve already spent a certain amount that year.
I don’t know why conservatives aren’t talking about deductibles. They are one of the biggest secrets of ObamaCare—and one of the most damning. Like the subsidies, the “actuarial value of coverage”—the percentage of medical bills your policy would pay every year—would slide on a scale. The more you earn, the more you pay and the less you get.
Under the Senate bill, for example, a family of three earning less than $27,000—we’re talking poor people here—would be fairly well covered. ObamaCare would cover 97 percent of their bills. But a family of three earning between $45,000 and $73,000 would only have 70 percent coverage. In other words, they’d have to pay a third of their medical bills out of pocket.
There would also be co-pays: $20 per doctor’s visit, $250 if you had to go to the hospital, and lab tests and X-rays would come completely out of your wallet.
Faced with a slow-motion disaster like this, America needs opponents on the Right ready, willing and able to fight back. What we’ve got instead—incoherent Tea Partiers, idiotic lawyers like David Rivkin, and Rush Limbaugh, who claims that the existing system is perfect as it is—might as well be working for Rahm Emanuel.
(Ted Rall is the author, with Pablo G. Callejo, of the graphic memoir “The Year of Loving Dangerously.”)
Animated editorial cartoon by Ted Rall and David Essman. The age of an average newspaper is 55 and getting older. So newspapers are chasing down the elderly demographic.