Linguistic Ethnic Cleansing

Supporters of Israel claim that, before the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, there was never a nation called Palestine or people called Palestinians. While the second statement is untrue, one wonders, even if this were true, how would that justify the colonial takeover and displacement of the people who lived there before?

Democrats Augur the End Times

Every single election, Democrats say the same exact thing: This is the most important election of our lifetime. Democracy itself is at stake. This is a vital time for us to come together and fight the Republicans because, this time unlike any other, they are dangerous and unreasonable. They would have more credibility were they to say, on occasion, that that wasn’t true.

Ridiculous Pro-Obamacare Talking Points

Pro-Obama Democrats are waging a scorched-earth campaign on social media to portray people unhappy with Obamacare – including Democrats – as stupid, selfish and inflexible.

Say Anything

As Republicans switch their talking points back and forth over taxes and Obamacare, it’s worth remembering that this is merely the latest example of their willingness to say and do anything to get their way in an argument.
