Time Machine Assassination Squad

Time travel fantasies often ask the question of whether one should kill Adolf Hitler as a child or young man. What they never ask is: why not get him admitted to art school instead?

Dead and Homeless

Weeks after his death, Boston Marathon Bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s corpse is still homeless. Where will he end up?


The 2000th U.S. soldier has died in Afghanistan, killed by an Afghan government soldier working for the Karzai puppet regime in a “blue on green” attack. Afghan government troops are trained to fight the Taliban. The Taliban originated with the mujahedeen, trained and armed by the U.S. during the 1980s to fight the Soviet Union in a proxy war. At some point you have to ask yourself: how do we unwind this mess?

Obama’s Weird Justice

I owe this one to one of the commenters here at the . He pointed out that Obama prefers to punish people who haven’t committed crimes over those who already have. Such a hilarious observation! I hope my cartoon is worthy of it.
