Corrupt and Unresponsive

As protests shake the world, the causes–high unemployment and unresponsive government–seem awfully familiar to Americans, who have a higher unemployment rate than Tunisia or Egypt.

That Sickening Feeling

In his memoirs, former President George W. Bush says he has a “sickening feelinbg” whenever he thinks about the failure of the United States to find weapons of mass destructon (WMDs) in Iraq.

Now Network

If you’ve seen Sprint’s ads for their Now Network, you’ll know what this cartoon is about. If not, well, sorry.

If Iranians Were Like Us

This came out of a conversation with fellow cartoonist Matt Bors about how Americans who sat on their asses when Bush stole the election(s) are applauding Iranians who take to the streets in the same situation.

When We’ll Take the Environment Seriously

The arctic melts. The gulf stream stutters. Average temperatures rise. Species go extinct. Yet no one takes the destruction of the environment seriously. What would it take for that to change?

War Reporting on a Budget

It’s true: for the first time in memory, all three TV networks have pulled all of their full-time reporters out of active war zone: Iraq.

Blame the Victims

Corporations and their media apologists are blaming us for falling for their consumerist tricks.

Not So Secret

A 2005 CIA report says the Iraq War isn’t going so well. What other highly-classified information is the president reading every morning?
