A Lesson Is Learned

We seriously need to retire words like “hero” and phrases like “my heart goes out to _____.” The Fort Hood victims were that–victims. We’ve devalued the word “hero” to the point that it is now meaningless.

This week’s cartoon was inspired by watching the unbearably cheesy pep rally masquerading as a memorial service at Fort Hood yesterday.

Beau Geste

The U.S. military is offering citizenship to foreigners in exchange for service.


Not to be outdone in the hopeless military adventurism department, Barack Obama promises a “surge”–not in Iraq, but against the people of Afghanistan, who are even more fiercely opposed to U.S. occupation than Iraqis.

Fight Them Here

Attack them here before we have to fight them there! (The intro about the study is true.)

I’m particularly happy about my Ameri-Islamic flag and the Saul Steinberg/New Yorker Iraq poster on the wall in the first panel.
