The Offer

The EEOC says more employers are refusing to hire people who are unemployed.

Video of MSNBC Appearance

Crazy right-wing bloggers are going nuts due to my appearance on MSNBC yesterday. They think anger belongs to them. Well, think again. Or think for once.

I wonder what all my new rightie teases here at the will make of my take on Obama. It’ll probably make their heads explode.

Here’s the clip:

BBC News in Spanish

There’s an interview with me and several other U.S. editorial cartoonists on the BBC’s Spanish-language website. Scroll to the middle of the page and click the cartoon graphic.

Ted Rall in The Washington Post

Today’s Washington Post has an interview with me. I love the writer and he did a great job deleting my ums and ers, but phone interviews always make me sound even stupider than I really am.

Ted Rall Interviewed (in English and French)

There’s a lengthy interview with me at a French comics website BDtheque, both in English and in French. Check out the English language version here. The French language version is ici. (“B.D.” stands for “Bande Désinée” in French, which means comics.)

Among the highlights of this interview are shots of the cover of the new French edition of “La Route de la Soie en Lambeaux” (that’s “Silk Road to Ruin” to you Murkins) and the artwork for next year’s graphic novel “The Year of Loving Dangerously.” No, I haven’t learned how to draw more realistically. The art is by Pablo J. Callejo, noted for the “Bluesman” series from NBM. It’s my story, and I wrote it.
