I Suffered and So Should You

Much of the opposition to student loan forgiveness boils down to bitterness. Why should people who suffered under a stupid system subsidize young people so they don’t have to suffer as well?

Who Was That Greta Girl Again?

People who comment on Greta Thunberg’s personality, demeanor and looks should instead focus on the fact that she is right that we face an existential environmental crisis.

Replacement of Extinct Species

The Nagoya Protocol pledges to reduce the current rate of plant or animal extinction by half. But that’s obviously not good enough.

Too Big to Fail

This is the kind of cartoon I expected lots of my mainstream cartoonist colleagues to have come up with.

But I couldn’t find any, so I went ahead with the idea anyway. I hope I’m right and that I was first and only, in which case this is an instant classic. Otherwise it’s just another typical mainstream cartoon.

Drawing dinosaurs was fun, though.
