First, Do No Harm to My Legal Status

Many states with abortion bans point out that those restrictions have exceptions for protecting the life of the mother. In practice, however, doctors believe they have to wait until the mother is actually dying before they can intervene to perform an abortion. There have been several cases where mothers nearly died as a result.

Follow Science or Your Weird Sky God

Liberal Democrats urge vaccine resistant Americans, particularly Republicans, to follow science and get vaccinated against COVID-19. Solid advice. But the very same liberal Democrats are willing to grant religious exceptions to vaccine mandates even though religion runs entirely contrary to science.

Some Irrationalities Are More Equal Than Others

A measles epidemic is being blamed on anti-vaccine activist parents who refuse to have their kids vaccinated with the MMR shot. Liberals are decrying these people as irrational science deniers, yet are willing to grant exceptions to people who oppose vaccines due to their religious beliefs.
