DMZ America Podcast #121: Israel Playing Into Hamas’ Plans, House Speaker Crisis, Biden’s Terrifying Speech

Editorial Cartoonists Ted Rall (from the political Left) and Scott Stantis (from the political Right) discuss national and international events of the week.

First up: as we enter the third week of the war between Hamas and Israel in the Gaza Strip, there are rising fears of regional escalation. Has Hezbollah agreed to open a second front against Israel? Will Iran attack Israel? How long will it take Israel to overthrow the Hamas government and what kind of regime do they plan to install if and when they succeed? Right now, it looks like they are poised to repeat the mistakes America made in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

In the second segment of the podcast, Ted and Scott discuss the constitutional crisis created by the Republican Party’s inability to choose a Speaker of the House of Representatives. Steve, Scalise and Jim Jordan are both out. Will the speakership ultimately wind up in the hands of an obscure congressman? In the meantime, congressional business has ground to a standstill.

Finally, Ted and Scott react to President Biden’s second Oval Office speech since he became president. Squinting, unable to read the Teleprompter, tripping over his words and slurring, this was an extremely disturbing performance that seems to belie Democrats’ claim that he is a viable candidate for 2024. Will he resign? Step aside mid-campaign? Or try to muddle through somehow to reelection? Scott and Ted also discuss the substance of Biden’s speech: his attempt to link the Ukraine and Israel conflicts.

Watch the Video Version of the DMZ America Podcast:

DMZ America Podcast Ep 121 Sec 1: Israel Playing Into Hamas’ Plans

DMZ America Podcast Ep 121 Sec 2: House Speaker Crisis

DMZ America Podcast Ep 121 Sec 3: Biden’s Terrifying Speech

Democrats in Denial

            Denial is neither a river in Egypt nor just a psychological defense mechanism identified by Anna Freud, Sigmund’s daughter. It’s the guiding principle of President Biden’s reelection campaign.

            Polls consistently show that the vast majority of Americans, including most Democrats, don’t want Biden to run again because they think he’s too old. This is not new information—Biden and the Democrats knew voters were concerned about his age four years ago, when they signaled his intention to be a one-term, transitional president.

            Nevertheless, he decided to run again.
            Two weeks after he announced his 2024 campaign, Biden’s approval rating fell to his all-time low, 36 percent in the ABC News/Washington Post poll. No president in the history of modern polling has won reelection with numbers this low at this stage in the cycle.

            Yet he remained in the race.

            Biden faces two challengers, neither of whom has been taken seriously by the media, run TV campaign ads or held a major rally. Despite being repeatedly ridiculed as a fringe anti-vaxxer and kooky New Age self-help author, respectively, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Marianne Williamson are polling at a total of 25% among Democratic primary voters against an incumbent president. Compare that to Bernie Sanders at this point in the 2016 campaign; he was at 15% yet nearly took the nomination away from Hillary Clinton. RFK and Williamson aren’t as surprisingly strong as Biden is shockingly weak.

            In 1968, when LBJ announced he wouldn’t run again—after the Tet Offensive—he was polling better than Biden is doing now.

            And Biden persists.

But he refuses to break a sweat. Democrats tell The Hill that “Biden’s circle would like to run a ‘light’ campaign this time around, too,” as he did in 2020 when he used the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to campaign from his basement in Delaware. Biden doesn’t want any debates. He’s running on the same policies as 2020. Such deflection reflects Democrats’ refusal to acknowledge how voters perceive the president: feeble, erratic, falling down every other week, possibly senile. A hard-charging 50-state campaign full of big rallies and vigorous debates and town halls could counter that image, but Biden isn’t up to it and/or his aides are in denial. They won’t even work up a fresh issues platform.

This is a not a reelection bid. It’s a slow fade.

            Never mind our guy, Democrats are thinking, their guy is in real trouble. Donald Trump will almost certainly be the Republican nominee and he’s facing multiple criminal charges that could land him in prison for nearly half a millennium! Legal woes may not be hurting him with spite-voting Republican primary voters (quite the opposite), but wait for the general election! Joe Biden will be sitting pretty!

            Except that the Hunter Biden laptop stuff could well be at a full merry boil by then. Did Joe “Big Guy” Biden accept $5 million from a Ukrainian energy company as a bribe in return for getting a prosecutor who was looking into that company fired—a company that employed his son in a country in which the U.S. is now involved in a proxy war? Maybe yes, maybe no, but House Republicans might well turn up evidence of Joe’s perfidy big enough to make voters forget about Trump’s penchant for hoarding top-secret memos.

            Democrats do not appear concerned about this possibility.

            Wildest of all, no one—not the president, not Democratic leaders, not even Democratic voters—seem at all worried about putting Trump on trial during an election campaign.

They endlessly declaimed the yucky incivility of Trump and his supporters chanting “lock her up” about Hillary (mere words), yet are untroubled by the optics of Democratic prosecutors, one of whom won elected office by promising to go after Trump, actually working to put the Republican frontrunner and most recent Republican president, behind bars. Election Day 2024 might find Trump in prison.

Yes, Democrats, this is a problem. Trump is not merely a candidate. He’s an iconic populist, the leader of a movement. You’d have to go back to Huey Long to identify another American political figure as simultaneously beloved and reviled. The January 6th Capitol riot followed Trump’s obviously false claims of election fraud; how will Trump’s followers react to the factual spectacle of his being handcuffed and confined to jail—by Democratic prosecutors conducting politically-motivated prosecutions—during a presidential campaign? How can a two-party system where one party’s candidate is locked away in a prison cell still call itself a democracy? Democrats don’t care. They just want Trump gone, yet they’re not willing to run a viable candidate with a realistic strategy to beat him at the polls.

There is nothing to fear but the pigheaded obliviousness of those who would back their adversaries into a corner with no escape.

            (Ted Rall (Twitter: @tedrall), the political cartoonist, columnist and graphic novelist, co-hosts the left-vs-right DMZ America podcast with fellow cartoonist Scott Stantis. You can support Ted’s hard-hitting political cartoons and columns and see his work first by sponsoring his work on Patreon.)


Rise of the Spite-o-cracy

Democrats who are currently prosecuting Donald Trump promised in their election campaigns to do so. Now Trump is promising to do the same thing to Biden if he gets elected. Here comes an endless cycle of spite-based lawfare.

For God’s Sake, Give Trump a Plea Deal

No one is above the law. But indicting the frontrunner for a major political party’s presidential nomination, a former president to boot, on charges with a maximum sentence of 400 years in federal prison sets the stage for a full-blown constitutional crisis. Is there some way to hold Donald Trump accountable for playing fast and loose with state and federal law, without forcing him to campaign while on trial or asking voters to head to the polls while the de facto leader of the Republican Party rots behind bars?

Consider how crazy this could get. Would Club Fed pipe in wifi for the debates? Can an inaugural ceremony be held in the visiting room? Who takes that 3 a.m. crisis phone call when the felon-in-chief is sitting in stir?

Biden and the Democrats fantasize about putting Trump in prison. If they calm down and think about it even for a moment, however, they should be able to see how badly doing this now, during an election, would inflame our highly combustible politics. Three prosecutors, all Democrats, all working for Democratic administrations with the support of Democratic-leaning corporate media organizations, are seen as waging nuclear lawfare to deny 70 million-plus Republican voters the right to support the presidential candidate and party of their choice.

I don’t know how this ends. Civil war? Random political violence? Polarization like you’ve never even dreamed of? Whatever happens, I guarantee it won’t be good.           

There is a way out.

Offer Trump a plea deal.

At this writing, here is the legal lay of the land. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has charged Trump with 34 counts of falsifying business records, some related to paying hush money to porn actress Stormy Daniels. Legal experts think Bragg has a better-than-even chance to nail Trump in court, despite the novel construction of his case. Now Trump faces 37 counts for mishandling classified documents in federal court in Miami; his odds of walking away free are still worse there. Soon, in early August, Fulton County, Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis may join Indictment-a-palooza with her own set of felony charges, that Trump tried to interfere with the 2020 election.

Trump is famous for ignoring his lawyers’ advice. But he’s never before faced odds this long or downsides this steep. If a plea deal is offered, his legal team will be screaming at him to take it.

Assuming the former president is wise enough to listen—or listen to his second and third set of attorneys after he fires his first ones, for they too will be shouting at him to make a deal—the terms of a plea arrangement will have to satisfy the courts (i.e., Democrats) without enraging Team MAGA.

Charging parties in Georgia, New York and the Department of Justice would need to agree on a set of conditions that would ensure Trump was covered by any and all claims likely to be filed before the November 2024 election.

Now for the terms:

No prison.

By all means, disrespect Trump the man. Trump the former president and Trump the major-party candidate, however, represent the aspirations of tens of millions of Americans who felt unheard and unseen before he rode down the Trump Tower elevator in 2015. If you humiliate this man—trials, convictions, handcuffs, chains, jumpsuit—his supporters will feel his shame as their own. Furthermore, it would be impossible to overstate the international scorn and disdain that would be heaped upon the U.S. after a sordid spectacle better suited to an s-hole country in the developing world. We have a two-party system. If you hobble one candidate, tie him up in court and/or jail him, you no longer have the pretense of a democracy—you’ve created a one-party system. Biden will become America’s Saddam.

Who would ever listen to another pompous declamation about American exceptionalism?

For decades I was angry at Gerald Ford for pardoning Nixon because it sent the message that presidents are above the law. I was wrong. I have since come to appreciate Ford’s calm, common-sense Midwestern wisdom. Ford understood that America needed to move on, that to do otherwise would have meant we would have been talking about Nixon for the rest of the 1970s and beyond—the way we can’t stop obsessing over Trump now. Hard as it is to accept that Trump should walk free on so many charges, charges that his own administration pursued against far nobler people who went to prison as a result, if you want to salvage the republic Trump must be spared prison.          

Federal prosecutors sometimes require that a politician drop out of politics as part of a plea deal. In 1982, for example, a Congressman from New York agreed to resign his seat in Congress, stay out of politics and to plead guilty to federal tax, narcotics and conflict-of-interest. Plea bargains filed by state DAs forced out the governors of Alabama in 2017 and Missouri in 2018.

Trump’s ability to campaign and potentially regain the presidency in a fair election is essential to assure Republicans that they have not been victimized by a weaponized government. Democrats and Never Trump Republicans will find this tough to digest. Surely a man who incited the January 6th Capitol riot doesn’t deserve to be president. But democracy requires at least two candidates, neither behind bars or banned from participating.

If not prison or proscription, what?

Fines. Big fines.

Forbes estimates Trump’s net worth at $2.5 billion. Let the two states and the federal government split $2 billion, payable within a year of settlement. If he defaults, clap him in cuffs and frog-march him out of his hidey-hole, whether it’s Mar-a-Lago or the White House.

For a man who values money more than anything else, taking a financial haircut would represent real accountability. His agreement to pay a significant public settlement would serve as tacit acknowledgement of his guilt. No amount of grandstanding at his rallies would convince anyone of his innocence.

For God’s sake, offer Trump a deal before it’s too late.

(Ted Rall (Twitter: @tedrall), the political cartoonist, columnist and graphic novelist, co-hosts the left-vs-right DMZ America podcast with fellow cartoonist Scott Stantis. You can support Ted’s hard-hitting political cartoons and columns and see his work first by sponsoring his work on Patreon.)

