DMZ America Podcast Ep 132: Middle East War, Could Biden Lose New Hampshire?, Dead Tree Publications Even Deader

Editorial cartoonists and political analysts from the Left (Ted Rall) and the Right (Scott Stantis) discuss and explain the latest news and events in a unique format where disagreement and debate occurs without yelling or stupid insults.

First up this week: War across the Middle East assumes a “Guns of August” vibe as Iran and Pakistan become the latest countries to launch crossborder missile attacks, with the victims being ethnic Balochis. Ted lays out how Iran is emerging as the big winner from the Israel-Hamas War. Scott pushes back from the American perspective, questioning whether the Islamic Republic is committing diplomatic suicide.

Second: The 2024 Presidential Campaign moves from Iowa to the bizarre New Hampshire primary, which is being skipped both by President Biden and Governor Ron DeSantis. All GOP eyes will soon turn to South Carolina—will the Palmetto State be the last stand for Haley, or DeSantis, or both? Meanwhile, New Hampshire threatens to torpedo Biden for his Big Snub.

Third topic: More depressing news from the world of dead trees, where the Washington Post is losing $100 million a year and the Los Angeles Times is down $50 million despite their deep-pocketed and supposedly brilliant owners. Ted asks Scott, who has worked at numerous papers, why can’t these supposed genius billionaires turn these sinking watchdogs of democracy around?

Watch the Video version of the DMZ America Podcast: here.

DMZ America Podcast #129: Trump Dumped from Colorado Ballot, Biden’s Record-Low Polls, Will Anyone Care When Gaza is Gone? (with guest Rob Rogers)

In the latest DMZ America Podcast, editorial cartoonists Ted Rall (from the Left) and Scott Stantis (from the Right) are joined by their colleague Rob Rogers, editorial cartoonist formerly of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

First up: The political world reeled after the Colorado state Supreme Court issued a stunning ruling declaring Donald Trump an insurrectionist under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, thus making him ineligible to appear on the ballot in the upcoming state Republican primary. 13 other states are facing similar lawsuits so the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to weigh in on whether Trump can appear on the ballot. Will judges decide our next president?

Second: President Biden is suffering from the lowest poll numbers of his presidency, bottoming out at 34% in one survey. He is even losing voters aged 18 to 29, an important part of his coalition back in 2020. Now he’s between a rock and a hard place on issues like Gaza. Is there any way that he can possibly turn this dismal situation around, given the fact that no one who his position has gone on to successfully be re-elected?

Finally: Most of the world now agrees that Israel overreacted to the October 7 terrorist attack by Hamas. Gaza has been flattened. Will the attention of the world move on after the bombing stops? Or will images of shattered millions of Palestinian refugees living in the Egyptian desert prove to be a political game changer during the election next year?

Watch the Video Version of the DMZ America Podcast:

DMZ America Podcast Ep 129 Sec 1: Trump Dumped from Colorado Ballot

DMZ America Podcast Ep 129 Sec 2: Biden’s Record-Low Polls

DMZ America Podcast Ep 129 Sec 3: Will Anyone Care When Gaza is Gone?


DMZ America Podcast #127: Beginning of the End for Ukraine, Dumbest College Presidents Ever, Abortion Could Hit Republicans Hard

Political cartoonists and best friends Ted Rall (on the Left) and Scott Stantis (on the Right) discuss and debate the week in politics on the DMZ America Podcast, where disagreement never has to end up in pointless yelling and talking over one another.

In the first segment of the DMZ America Podcast for December 12, 2023, Scott and Ted note the radical reversal of fortune in the war between Ukraine in Russia. The second fighting season has ended with the undeniable conclusion that it is highly unlikely that Ukraine will be able to prevail. Should the U.S. nevertheless continue to finance this lost cause?

In the second segment of the DMZ America Podcast, Scott and Ted debate the debacle following the incompetent congressional testimony by the presidents of UPenn, Harvard and MIT. What should be the penalty for failing to deliver a dull-throated denouncement of anti-Semitism? Should students be expelled for opposing Israel?

In the third segment of the DMZ America Podcast, Scott and Ted consider the political repercussions of a Texas woman who was denied the right to an abortion despite the fact that both her fetus and her life were severely threatened unless she received the procedure. Can abortion move the needle in next year’s election for Democrats, and if so can Democrats pull it off?

Watch the Video Version of the DMZ America Podcast:

DMZ America Podcast Ep 127 Sec 1: Beginning of the End for Ukraine

DMZ America Podcast Ep 127 Sec 2: Dumbest College Presidents Ever

DMZ America Podcast Ep 127 Sec 3: Abortion Could Hit Republicans Hard

DMZ America Podcast #121: Israel Playing Into Hamas’ Plans, House Speaker Crisis, Biden’s Terrifying Speech

Editorial Cartoonists Ted Rall (from the political Left) and Scott Stantis (from the political Right) discuss national and international events of the week.

First up: as we enter the third week of the war between Hamas and Israel in the Gaza Strip, there are rising fears of regional escalation. Has Hezbollah agreed to open a second front against Israel? Will Iran attack Israel? How long will it take Israel to overthrow the Hamas government and what kind of regime do they plan to install if and when they succeed? Right now, it looks like they are poised to repeat the mistakes America made in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

In the second segment of the podcast, Ted and Scott discuss the constitutional crisis created by the Republican Party’s inability to choose a Speaker of the House of Representatives. Steve, Scalise and Jim Jordan are both out. Will the speakership ultimately wind up in the hands of an obscure congressman? In the meantime, congressional business has ground to a standstill.

Finally, Ted and Scott react to President Biden’s second Oval Office speech since he became president. Squinting, unable to read the Teleprompter, tripping over his words and slurring, this was an extremely disturbing performance that seems to belie Democrats’ claim that he is a viable candidate for 2024. Will he resign? Step aside mid-campaign? Or try to muddle through somehow to reelection? Scott and Ted also discuss the substance of Biden’s speech: his attempt to link the Ukraine and Israel conflicts.

Watch the Video Version of the DMZ America Podcast:

DMZ America Podcast Ep 121 Sec 1: Israel Playing Into Hamas’ Plans

DMZ America Podcast Ep 121 Sec 2: House Speaker Crisis

DMZ America Podcast Ep 121 Sec 3: Biden’s Terrifying Speech

DMZ America Podcast #108: Three Pulitzer-Winning Editorial Cartoonists Canned the Same Day, Nazis Symbols Worn by Ukrainian Troops, Can Biden Capitalize on Lower Inflation?

Editorial Cartoonists Ted Rall (from the Left) and Scott Stantis (from the Right) discuss the latest startling development in the ongoing demise of American editorial cartooning. With the recent firing of not one but three Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonists, Ted and Scott mourn the job loss of their fellow journalists and those who preceded them. Was the demise of editorial cartooning as a profession the planned end-game all along by antagonistic editors?

The New York Times reports that there have been more and more sightings of Nazi symbols being worn by Ukrainian troops. Ted has said for years that neo-fascism runs deep in Ukraine. Russian President Putin has framed the Ukraine War as partly motivated by a desired “De-Nazification of Ukraine.” Does he have a point? Ted and Scott debate discuss what the Times describes as mere bad optics.

Inflation is down to its lowest level in years. If it is the economy, stupid, why are President Biden’s approval numbers still so low? And does this open the door for Green Party candidate Dr. Cornel West? Or other third-party candidates?

Watch the Video Version of the DMZ America Podcast:

DMZ America Podcast Ep 108 Sec 1: Three Pulitzer-Winning Editorial Cartoonists Canned the Same Day

DMZ America Podcast Ep 108 Sec 2: Nazis Symbols Worn by Ukrainian Troops

DMZ America Podcast Ep 108 Sec 3: Can Biden Capitalize on Lower Inflation?

DMZ America Podcast #107: Banning Bad Jokes, Defending Abusers with Guns, the Government’s First Amendment Right to Censor You

Editorial cartoonists Ted Rall (on the Left) and Scott Stantis (on the Right) discuss the week in news and current politics on the DMZ America podcast.

When does a joke go too far? A Subway store in Georgia got in trouble with the Internet and its national parent company when it posted a sign seeming to make light of the recent submersible implosion. As professional humorists, Ted and Scott bandy about whether or not it’s ever OK to make fun of the dead, or whether this particular incident even qualifies as disrespecting the dead in the first place.

The Supreme Court has agreed to take up the case of a man who claims that his Second Amendment right to bear arms was infringed because of a Texas law that prohibits people under a restraining order for abusing their domestic partner from possessing a firearm. You may be surprised at how Ted and Scott come down on this somewhat complicated case.

A federal district judge in New Orleans has issued a temporary injunction prohibiting the federal government from telling social media companies to take down your post or even to cancel your account, something that the Twitter Files proved was an ongoing practice. The Biden ministration is appealing the injunction on the ground that it constitutes prior restraint on their First Amendment right to quash your First Amendment right.

Watch the Video Version of the DMZ America Podcast:

DMZ America Podcast Ep 107 Sec 1: Banning Bad Jokes

DMZ America Podcast Ep 107 Sec 2: Defending Abusers with Guns

DMZ America Podcast Ep 107 Sec 3: the Government’s First Amendment Right to Censor You

DMZ America Podcast #106: A Big Week of Supreme Court Opinions

Syndicated Editorial Cartoonists Ted Rall (from the Left) and Scott Stantis (from the Right) analyze the issues and news changing our world. This week’s podcast is entirely dedicated to a historic week of opinions handed down by the Supreme Court of the United States.

First up, a look at a pair of landmark cases affecting higher education. Ted and Scott put into perspective the court’s decision to end race-based Affirmative Action and President Biden’s Student loan forgiveness program. Ted concisely explains the basis for the build-up of resentment over decades towards Affirmative Action and what led to the court’s ruling. Scott takes a victory lap after arguing for months that Joe Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness program was executive overreach and should and would be struck down.

Next up, a pair of cases impacting the workplace: the Postal Worker and the Web Designer,(which sounds a lot like a really lame Hallmark Christmas romance movie). The mailman refused to work on his Sabbath; the web designer refused to create a site for a LGBTQ couple. When does common sense check bigotry? Scott and Ted’s spin on these decisions may surprise you.

In the last segment, Ted and Scott applaud the court shooting down, yet again, Independent State Legislature Theory (ISL), which would have allowed states to set up draconian voting procedures that would have served to deny ballot access to millions of voters.. They end up tying everything up in a neat little bow. You should listen.


Watch the Video Version of the DMZ America Podcast:

DMZ America Podcast Ep 106 Sec 1: Supreme Court Overturns Race-Based Affirmative Action

DMZ America Podcast Ep 106 Sec 2: The Cases of the Postal Worker and the Web Designer

DMZ America Podcast Ep 106 Sec 3: Death to the Independent State Legislature Theory

SYNDICATED COLUMN: How I’ll Know It’s Time To Flee Trump’s America


Image result for THE CLASH AIRPORT

The Clash asked. Now I am too: Should I stay or should I go?

Celebrity liberals always threaten to head for the exits if a presidential election doesn’t go their way. Then they renege.

This year is different: some Americans really are leaving.

An early indicator of Trump-inspired flight came on Election Night, when Canada’s immigration website crashed due to visitors from the lower 48. Whether these scaredy-cats are motivated by Trump’s come-from-behind victory — so this is America? — or by the grim reality of Trump’s cabinet picks and executive orders — so he’s keeping his fascist campaign promises? — this is the first time I’ve seen people actually up and go in response to an election.

Trumping out” is far too tiny of a phenomenon to qualify as an official Thing. By mid-December, only 28 Americans had applied for asylum. But my instincts tell me that’s about to change. And my instincts are pretty sharp: counting yard signs in my swing state/swing county hometown of Dayton, Ohio gave me an early indication that Trump had a strong chance of winning.

If you’ve got some money, college degrees and speak a second language (ahem, French), it’s pretty easy to get into Canada, which has served as our go-to exile since the Vietnam draft dodgers. With help from a lawyer, a friend of mine who said he didn’t want his children to grow up in a fascist country scored residency documents for himself, his wife and kids in just a few months. Canadian colleges and universities are reporting a surge in U.S. applicants — many of whom would likely stay up there after graduation.

I think most people who are eyeing the door are like me, in wait-and-see mode.

Let’s be clear: this isn’t about voting with our feet. If I moved out of the country every time I didn’t like the election results, I’d be gone after every single election, and that includes the local ones. I hate both parties; I hate the entire system. This is about self-preservation: what if some Trump nut takes it upon himself to shoot me over a cartoon? It wouldn’t be unprecedented.

It’s also about practicality. Fleeing Trumpistan would be much easier for me than for most people. I have dual French/EU citizenship through my mom, a status I have maintained in the belief that economies and societies can collapse quickly so it’s good to have an exit strategy. My French is passable. Thanks to the Internet, my career is portable. I could draw cartoons and write columns and publish books from anywhere on earth.

I talk almost every day with a colleague, a conservative journalist, about how we will know it’s time to leave the United States. Not to express disapproval – honestly, who would care? – but to save our skins.

You know that Martin Niemöller “first they came for the…” quote? Political cartoonists know that here, in the U.S. under Trump in 2017, we could easily be the first. So we’re watching closely.

When your government turns psycho, you don’t want to wait until it’s too late to get out. When you ask Jewish Americans what year their family fled Europe to come to the United States, it’s striking how most left before, say, 1936. The Holocaust didn’t technically begin until 1941, but earlier departures were easier — and impossible after World War II began in 1939. On the other hand, moving is expensive. And I’m American. I don’t want to leave. I like it here. Why jump the gun?

I’ve been reading Volker Ullrich’s superb biography Hitler: Ascent, 1889-1939. Trumpism isn’t Nazism but 20th century fascism provides some useful tips for America’s descent into whatever the hell this psychotic real estate honcho has in store for us.

As Ullrich reminds us, the machinery of state repression moved quickly after Hitler’s 1933 seizure of power. Censorship, then arrests of left-wing politicians were an early canary in the coalmine. This week we watched Trump’s Republicans silence the unfailingly polite Elizabeth Warren on the floor of the U.S. senate. The president himself personally joke-threatened to “destroy” the career of a Texas state senator as a favor to police, because the lawmaker wants to reform civil asset forfeiture (when cops steal your property and never give it back, even when you’re found not guilty of a crime).

Soon after becoming chancellor, the Nazis began insinuating their one-party state into commerce, punishing businesses they deemed insufficiently cooperative. Also this week, Trump went after Nordstrom’s in revenge for the department store chain’s decision to stop carrying his daughter Ivanka’s clothing line. Trump Administration chief propagandist Sean Spicer defended the president’s bizarre comments, declaring Nordstrom’s decision “an attack on his daughter.”

Should I stay or should I go?

Like porn, we’ll know The Moment Everything Changed when we see it.

The arrest of a politician would be such a moment. As would a “temporary” suspension of civil rights, even/especially if it followed the inevitable next terrorist attack.

I don’t have much use for the reliably impotent corporate news media — indeed, Trump’s win is largely their fault — but as a look-out-this-is-getting-really-real moment, Trump’s relentless beating up on the press makes me incredibly nervous. What will this guy do when the new Left gears up with big-ass protests later this year? Isolated from the rallies from whence he drew his strength, Boy Trump in the Beltway Bubble spells trouble; look for The Donald to wallow in paranoia so deep and dark that even Richard Nixon wouldn’t be able to relate. There he’ll be, surrounded by Steve Bannon and his other pet fascists — no one talking stay calm and carry on, everyone around him egging him on as he lashes out.

If you’re not scared, you’re not paying attention. Then again, maybe it’s not as necessary for you to watch the signs as it is for me.

(Ted Rall is author of “Trump: A Graphic Biography,” an examination of the life of the Republican presidential nominee in comics form. You can support Ted’s hard-hitting political cartoons and columns and see his work first by sponsoring his work on Patreon.)

Comedy Time

Even after the Assocation of American Editorial Cartoonists issued a formal statement calling for an investigation of the LA Times’ firing of me as a favor to the LAPD because I criticized police brutality, I found it difficult to get support from, well, everybody. Because one of the defining aspects of satire is that, eventually, you end up making fun of everyone. Who end up hating you.

Summertime Blues

During the dog days of summer, I find out it’s extraordinarily difficult to get the media, or my colleagues, interested in my firing by the LA Times at the behest of the LAPD, who provided them with a tampered tape that wound up exonerating me. Or, perhaps, their silence has nothing to do with summer vacation season.
