Must Be Easy

After carefully considering three options for Afghanistan, none of which involved withdrawal, he decided to send more troops–in order to get out sooner. Of course.

LBJ, call your office.

A Lesson Is Learned

We seriously need to retire words like “hero” and phrases like “my heart goes out to _____.” The Fort Hood victims were that–victims. We’ve devalued the word “hero” to the point that it is now meaningless.

This week’s cartoon was inspired by watching the unbearably cheesy pep rally masquerading as a memorial service at Fort Hood yesterday.

The Obamabot

Sharp-eyed readers will recall that I did a similar cartoon about Bush.

X-Treme Democratization

Karzai is stubborn, but even he can made to see reason in accepting a run-off election against Abdullah Abdullah Boutros Boutros Ghali.
