The Good News about Michael Bloomberg Is That He Won’t Bug You

Michael Bloomberg won’t be in the first primaries. He won’t be in the debates. He doesn’t have any policies. If he becomes president, he probably will never hear about him anymore than the people of New York heard from him when he was mayor. So maybe he would be a good president.

Bloomberg’s Campaign War Room Response to Its First Crisis

Michael Bloomberg’s campaign faced its first crisis when the fact that he was a misogynist sexist pig during his Wall Street days of the 1970s and 1980s came out in the press. The good news is, he has so little support that he doesn’t have much to lose.

Justice for Kamala

Kamala Harris scored major points at the 2020 Democratic debates by going after Joe Biden for his relationship with segregationist senators during the 1970s. She also went after him about his positions on busing. But she is far from an impeachable when it comes to race issues.
