Victory has a thousand fathers but defeat is an orphan. The phenomenon is accelerating as election postmortems that identify tactical and strategic errors in a campaign are going the way of the dodo bird.,
Zero Mistakes

Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The TMI Show" talk show. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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As the French say, “What a surprise.”
An inauthentic prop, a millionairess, who repeatedly mentions she was a middle-class kid, when given the largest platform in the whole wide world and asked, “Okay. Two questions: One. When did you realize Biden’s mind was slipping? and Two. What are your plans?” evaded and rambled. She never took ownership for a mistake. She was never wrong. It was like Principal Skinner down at the shell of the 4-H Club, it was the children who were wrong.
Trump offers a brutal, insane path forward. But … you know what? He’s going in one direction. Harris? I don’t know if the cartographers and geographers can describe the lost-in-the-desert path she shaped, but anyone looking at it rationally would realize, “This isn’t getting us anywhere at all.”
Good riddance to bad garbage.
Whoah! It’s actually a timely comic. Didn’t expect to see this! Be careful Ted, this flirts with relevance!
Well, he does leave out a significant issue. Has anyone gotten around to thanking Joe Biden? The “founder of the feast”? Had Biden simply stuck to being a one-termer, Harris would have had the entire pomp and circumstance of the legitimate nomination process. Sure, it would have been a rubber stamp, and no credible contender would have arisen, but it would have been “normal.”
Instead, Biden was too mentally unable to continue his campaign … BUT wasn’t too imbecilic, somehow, to continue to be president. AND Harris was stuck in the dilemma of either admitting, “Yeah, I knew he was losing his mind, but I want to be president. I deserve it. I’m a middle-class kid, and it’s time to turn the page on Trump’s tired rhetoric of the past. (Have I said that before?)” OR “Nope. I’m so completely clueless that I couldn’t tell Joe Biden put the car keys in the freezer again.”
End result? A far-too-fast campaign with an almost-totally hidden vice president suddenly shoved on stage who lacked talent, grace, charisma, etc.
As Obama put it, “Never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to fuck things up.”
Joey, you’ve done a heck of a job. Granted, Harris did most of it herself, but you really gut-shot her on the way out of the gate.
(Maybe if he’d used 12 panels, like Tom Tomorrow does every so often …)
I am sure the Democrats will blame the Greens for alienating Muslim voters, who, according to the Dems, should have the sense and patriotism to vote for a candidate who’s helping kill their families in the Middle East.
And the Russians…yes, surely the Russians must have interfered to get their old friend Donald Trump back in office.