Yes, Virginia, There is a Difference Between the Two Political Parties

Republicans and Democrats both voted for a bill that eliminates unemployment benefits for 1.3 million Americans. Now Democrats are whining and complaining and grousing about it to give themselves political cover. It’s a ridiculous ploy —€” and it would be funny if there weren’t so many people suffering as a result.

10 Comments. Leave new

  • Shame on you, Ted. There are many, many differences between the two parties. For instance, the GOP bums tie their ties in a half Windsor, while the dem bums use a four-in-hand. Then there’s all that other stuff …. uh … gimme a minute, I’m sure I’ll think of something.

  • But on Thursday, the Senate considered $625 billion for the military. Ted, you just don’t have your priorities in order!

  • In all seriousness:

    I look at the two parties and see so little difference (so little, in fact, as to be nonexistent or inconsequential–a la CrazyH’s on-the-money point about different tie knots). Then I look at ALL these people who keep going on and on about how I’m missing the crucial differences.

    Here’s the serious question: How do I know that I am, in fact, not the one in error? I mean, I’m confident that I’ve carefully evaluated many crucial aspects related to the political sphere and have come to a competent and holistic series of conclusions, but then I’m confronted with the inability to genuinely comprehend how anyone could FAIL, FAIL, FAIL to see the same things I’m seeing.

    I mean, it’s a fact—proven, documented—that the president has blown up children with his drone bombs. But when I bring it up, I get a look of contemptuous pity and get spoken to like I’m brain-damaged.

    I genuinely do sit here sometimes wonder if perhaps, yes, I’ve lost my ever-lovin’ fuckin’ mind.

    • Yes, Alex, it is absolutely beyond doubt that this president has blown up plenty of innocent children with his drones and missiles. It is also true that because this makes people uncomfortable, they would rather not think about it, and you are hurting their feelings by making them think about it. So stop that already.

      There are obviously differences between the Democrats and Republicans, but they are on very minor issues like gay marriage. That’s right: gay marriage is a minor issue compared to things like perpetual warfare, torture, extraordinary rendition, bailouts to the banks, and so on. On the big issues, the two parties are identical. Both of them believe in America’s God-given right to blow up anyone they want anywhere in the world for any reason. Both of them think that it doesn’t matter much if the rich become richer and the poor become poor.

      • Ted. Two things on the site:

        1. The comment numbers from the main page are still not updating correctly.

        2. The comments themselves aren’t easily navigable. It seems like when someone tries to reply to X, the comment sometimes doesn’t get there. (I could be wrong on this, I’ll look more carefully for instances.)

      • @ alex_the_tired –
        When I signed on, the site told me “9 Replies”; I counted, and there are 9 comments. No problem – that is correct.

        Regarding the 2nd complaint, I haven’t had a problem with responding to a “Reply” when I scroll up to the previous message. For example, I’m responding to yours, although I clicked on “Reply” under Ted’s message.

        There might be room for improvement, but I don’t seem to have those problems that you mention. 🙂

  • There is something very depressing about continuing to excoriate dems and pubs for their lack of difference. They are factions of one party – this we know. How to pry them all from the levers of power is a more difficult proposition, for which many (most?) of us lack the energy, the courage, or the will. Our exercise of freedom to mock, abjure, reject our dear leaders proves Marcuse’s concept of “repressive tolerance”; we squeak and squawk from within the confines of defined little “free speech zones” without having much more effect than a bat on a belfry.

    From Marcuse’s 1965 essay “Repressive Tolerance”: “Thus, within a repressive society, even progressive movements threaten to turn into their opposite to the degree to which they accept the rules of the game. To take a most controversial case: the exercise of political rights (such as voting, letter-writing to the press, to Senators, etc., protest-demonstrations with a priori renunciation of counterviolence) in a society of total administration serves to strengthen this administration by testifying to the existence of democratic liberties which, in reality, have changed their content and lost their effectiveness.”

    Don’t misread this – it is crucial to mind the realities of today’s republicrat rule and to keep alive a healthy disgust for the absolute leveling out of the political process that the current monoduopoly causes. At the same time our lack of a dynamic and dangerous opposition to the increasingly tightened operational control of the oligarchs marks a pitiful reality – looks very much like a capitulation.

  • The only difference is that Dems will kiss you before they fuck you.

  • «That’s right: gay marriage is a minor issue compared to things like perpetual warfare, torture, extraordinary rendition, bailouts to the banks, and so on. On the big issues, the two parties are identical. Both of them believe in America’s God-given right to blow up anyone they want anywhere in the world for any reason. » Bravo, Ted ! A party or a politician is hardly «progressive» because it/he/she supports «gay rights», if it/he/she continues to support the policies of continual war, etc, that you mention above. But «gay rights» are always handy to beat, e g, the Russian government, about the head with, thus distracting people from the state of affairs in the «indispensable nation» and its vassals….


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