Slow Reaction Time

President Joe Biden’s disastrous performance in his presidential debate with Donald Trump finally has mainstream Democrats, including top party officials, admitting what has been painfully obvious since they shoved his candidacy down our throats four years ago: he is not up to the job.

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  • This slow recognition/reaction issue goes further back … at least to the administrations of B.H. Obumma who was the first of two presidents elected in lieu of Hillary Clinton (the other, of course, being His Hairness, Trump.)

    Even before Obumma took office, he had inflicted upon the nation/world the career crank, neo-con & genocidal Zionist Joe Biden as his VP choice, apparently in the “hope” of eventual suicidal nuclear annihilation and a dramatic “change” from well-hidden to completely, and proudly, open contempt for the registered Democratic voter.

    Then, in response, to the insult of Obumma’s “signature,” ineffectively-veiled embrace of corporate “healthcare,” he got his, much-deserved, political comeuppance, with the historically disastrous 2010 mid-term flip of previous massive Democratic majorities in both houses of congress.

    So with his newly acquired Nobel Peace Prize in hand and domestic issues in total control of the GOP, Obumma, then turned his Reagan-admiring gaze to foreign affairs, increasingly the ever-burgeoning, exclusive power domain of the US presidency. (Who but a “constitutional lawyer” is better able to continue the erosion of that document … “just a piece of paper” as Baby Bush had also characterized US Treasury debt, multi-decade cornerstone of the US Imperial power, now, with GWB’s significant “assistance,” rapidly crumbling away.)

    This resulted in several strange “peace” initiatives in Libya, Syria, Yemen and the coup in Ukraine. (For full details see the following link: These exercises in unabashed depravity were undertaken not only to demonstrate his toughness but also that of Hillary Clinton, his Secretary State, who was being groomed to be “shoved down the throats” of the Dem electorate … four long years of her “Russiagate McCarthyism 2.0” before Biden was.

  • alex_the_tired
    July 19, 2024 7:34 AM

    “Since they shoved his candidacy down our throats.”

    Absolutely right. And absolutely wrong.

    Yes, Biden was Try No. 3 or 4 at splintering the vote to ensure that a hard progressive like Bernie Sanders didn’t get the nomination. In that respect, yes, the dnc dropped their trousers and rammed Joe Biden down our throats.

    But they did it with the majority’s consent. People DID vote for Joe in the primary at a greater rate than they did for Sanders. But what could we expect? In 2004, South Park had an episode where the two candidates in an election were a douche bag and a shit sandwich (there I go, off to moderation). This whole thing about holding your nose and voting for the lesser evil is now an ingrained generational response. We have always been caretakers at the Overlook.

  • I’m still waiting for RBG to figure out that she needs to resign.

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