Apologists for militarism, particularly liberal Democrats, justify those who enlist in America’s murderous military by saying that many soldiers come from parts of the country where good jobs are hard to come by. It’s time to point out that the real act of heroism is personal sacrifice rather than killing innocent people overseas for a slightly better paycheck and benefits.
Who’s the Real Hero? Not the Person Who Enlists in America’s Murderous Military
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What’s the matter with you, Ted – all who enlist in the US military are naturally heroes, so long as they are killing or threatening to kill people abroad. If, however, they are injured, mentally or physically, or for some other reason no longer can carry out these noble tasks, but rather require help from public institutions like the VA, their hero status automatically disappears and they become a negative element in the public economy….
Yeah, I’ll grudgingly admit that a military is necessary in today’s world. Of course, what we’re doing with it isn’t defense – which I could condone; but rather empiricism – which I most definitely do not.
That said, the poor schlob in the cartoon may not be a hero, but he’s likely a victim. Either of dead-end economics (as shown) or of dead-end socialization. There are still plenty of dewy-eyed 18-year-olds who honestly believe that they’re defending their country and don’t have enough life experience to realize they’ve been lied to.
My brother served in ‘nam, he was one of those dewy-eyed eighteen-year-olds. He lived the rest of his life believing he was fighting for our freedom. Was he really that dumb, or was he in denial? It’s kind of hard to admit you participated in a war crime, easier to lie to yourself.
But then, he was a hero – he came home with the Navy & Marine Corps Medal of Honor for saving uncountable lives and perhaps his entire ship. His story, “Everyone else was smart enough to run the other way.”
Some times, it’s not so cut-and-dried. Remember to blame the dishonest leaders, rather than the naive followers.
DISCLAIMER: Nothing I’ve said excuses those who gleefully murder the innocent. They are neither victims nor heroes, they are no different than the ‘forces of evil’ we’re ostensibly fighting.
Nicely waffled.
“Of course, what we’re doing with it isn’t defense – which I could condone; but rather EMPIRICISM – which I most definitely do not.”
“In philosophy, EMPIRICISM is a theory that states that knowledge comes only or primarily from sensory experience.[1] It is one of several views of epistemology, the study of human knowledge, along with rationalism and skepticism.”
“IMPERIALISM is a state government, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other areas.
Because it always involves the use of power, whether military force or some subtler form, imperialism has often been considered morally reprehensible…”
Except when Democrats and Republicans want to take the oil that belongs to the USA but somehow found its way under the ground of some other morally degenerate nation (such as one that provides national healthcare for its people) that they had to shut down with economic sanctions.
Trump says “To the victor goes the spoils” and the Democrats abdicate their responsibility to demand a constitutionally mandated declaration of war.
That’s funny. I sit corrected. I think I was going for EMPERIALISM, when the spell checker and lesdyxia kicked in.
An empirical analysis of my posts will demonstrate that I am, indeed, in favor of EMPIRICISM.
> Except when Democrats and Republicans want to take the oil that belongs to the USA but somehow found its way under the ground of some other morally degenerate nation
There’s no such thing as a Navy & Marine Corps Medal of Honor, so I’d be very suspicious of this comment. Sounds made up to me.
If you want to disparage my brother, jackass, you’re welcome to do so to my face.
No surprise here b_robb.
CrazyassHole, this typical neo-McCarthyite Democrat, reflexively takes the position of “My country, right or wrong” when given the opportunity.
But in a sneaky cowardly way, like calling the invasion a humanitarian mission where where a million recipients of USA help “accidentally” get killed.
Did you ever hear the USA! USA! chant Hillary’s nominating convention gave to one of her supporter Generals, to shout down a “No More Wars” chant.
Among the biggest of USA lies is the name of its Defense Department.
When is the last time the USA engaged in a war of aggression without calling it a “defensive” action?
Would it really hurt to say “Sorry about killing a couple of million of your citizens, Vietnam (and Iraq, too) with Venezuela now on the menu.”
uhhhh, Glenncrazyfucktardshitferbrainzfoolishmoronwithpoorpersonalhygiene
Perhaps you might consider reading a comment before responding to it. I explicitly stated that I’m against what we’re doing with the military today, I even agreed with your assessment. (And that’s ignoring all the other anti-war / anti-empiricism [sic] posts I’ve made on this forum over the years.)
Your comment shows an even bigger disconnect with reality than usual, did you forget your meds again?
Hey! Let’s up the ante – I’ll bet you $100 you can’t find a single post of mine saying either “my country right or wrong” or “calling the invasion a humanitarian mission.” (paid to Ted’s defense fund, as usual)
Put up or STFU, Glenncrazyfucktardwhoseniecesandnephewscallunclelumpylap
On the wiki page you referred to, the medal is called the “Navy and Marine Corps Medal”, not the Navy and Marine Corps Medal OF HONOR. Please try to get your facts straight.
That is true, I mis-remembered the name of the medal awarded to my late brother. (That would be the highest non-combat medal awarded by Uncle Sam’s Yacht Club,)
I note that the only criticisms of my post were editorial in nature, given that this is the internet I suppose I can consider that a win.
But you might also want to get your facts straight before throwing shade on a dead man’s memory or accusing posters of lying.