Bidenism is Not Trumpism. But what is that?
What Is Bidenism?

Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
12 Comments. Leave new
I suspect, Ted, that when it comes to Bidenism, a don’t ask, don’t tell policy is probably the best for all concerned, cf….
Now I’m being «moderated» again – I’m beginning to be inured….
Even moderation is only good in moderation?
«Even moderation is only good in moderation?» Philosophical musings are bound to get you «moderated», if not worse, Andreas…. 😉
Bidenism is Centrism. A doctrine that offers even less than zero. It has been tried for 40 years, and has resulted in the Gen Xers (yes, we still exist) and the Millennials and the Gen Zers being pushed into a trajectory of diminished expectations, year after year. Gen Covid-19, I suspect, won’t even bother with expectations.
If Biden wins, we’re all screwed because way too many of the lumpen masses will idiotically think he’ll fix things, somehow, because “He isn’t Trump.” But in all the ways that matter? Biden is just like Trump.
For those of you who can’t see it, I cannot help you.
I fear a LOT of voters are like David Ikard, professor of African American and Diaspora Studies at Vanderbilt University who was interviewed by Afshin Rattansi. Prof Ikard kept saying Trump was the worst president ever, and no matter who was running against him, one must vote for the Democrat. Mr Afshin asked, ‘But Obama destroyed Libya, an African country.’ Prof Ikard responded, ‘That’s just whataboutism. Trump has DONE the worst thing any president has ever done when he called African countries an obscenity. No other president has ever done anything like that.’
For some of us, deeds count for more than words, but for Prof Ikard, calling African countries an obscenity is the worst DEED any president could possibly ever have done, and many agree with Prof Ikard.
(I however, would never vote for Trump or Biden, since each is worse than the other.)
«(I however, would never vote for Trump or Biden, since each is worse than the other.)» But isn’t that, «just whataboutism», Michael ?… 😉
Biden begins to look and feel a lot like GW “Shrub” Bush.
I wonder if the Republicans felt the same way – the cartoon could have been used back then, anyway.
Biden, like W, somehow has a lot of appeal. Matt Taibbi made the point that Biden is permanently underestimated. His secret weapon: a lot of older people – who do not watch tend to follow the news much at all – vote for him based mostly on name recognition and aw shucks.
Like with W, the establishment is relaxed because they intuitively feel that Biden is one of them; at the same time some liberals consider Biden to be relatable – much like as evangelicals considered W to be born again.
Let’s spin the wheel of fortune: a Biden presidency is going to be
A) Clinton III (or Clinton V if you consider Obama to be Clinton III-IV).
B) The return of the neocons who have semi-secretly taken over the DNC
C) Progressive Turn? (they didn’t see FDR coming either)
D) A novel political philosophy based entirely on 1950s Hollywood movies
I’ll be really disappointed if ole Joe (h,wygwtfym) Biden fails to make his VP pick as miserable as Obumma’s was!
Surely, falco, you’re not implying that Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton wearing blackface is going to be the anointed one ?…
Hi Henri,
I’m just resigned to enjoy the only political “involvement” left to the average citizen: watching to see if the system can really get significantly worse.
Now the scenario you describe would certainly give a thrill (and a chill) to any observer of US politics. Certainly Biden and the DNC are not below the public show of massive & egregious contempt for the American public that would be required to achieve it!
However, “anointed” does seem to be the operative word when discussing HDRC. She simply would not lower herself to accept the paltry VP nomination.
HOWEVER, if Biden relegated himself to the VP slot and HDRC, wearing blackface, were given the BIG post … THAT would richly qualify as the new low in American politics I am awaiting!!!
You’ve got me quite excited over the prospect!!!
Hi Henri,
I’m re-posting my response to your blood-curdling image of HDRC in blackface. My response is in moderation — even though neither my original comment nor your response were (?) And, of course, this attempt may also be moderated!!!
(Got THAT right.)
My response:
I’m just resigned to enjoy the only political “involvement” left to the average citizen: watching to see if the system can really get significantly worse.
Now the scenario you describe would certainly give a thrill (and a chill) to any observer of US politics. Certainly Biden and the DNC are not below the public show of massive & egregious contempt for the American public that would be required to achieve it!
However, “anointed” does seem to be the operative word when discussing HDRC. She simply would not lower herself to accept the paltry VP nomination.
HOWEVER, if Biden relegated himself to the VP slot and HDRC, wearing blackface, were given the BIG post … THAT would richly qualify as the new low in American politics I am awaiting!!!
You’ve got me quite excited over the prospect!!!