Support Group for Jilted U.S. Allies

President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine appears to have become nearly the latest of a long line of American allies, many of them autocrats like himself, who were told the U.S. would always look out for them only to be kicked to the curb after they were no longer useful to the United States.

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  • alex_the_tired
    March 5, 2025 8:45 AM

    Don’t forget all those Afghan interpreters Biden threw under the bus, leaving them to the Taliban’s mercies.

    Funny. I don’t think I’ve seen a single article in any paper or magazine, or a single report on a news program, about what happened to those thousands of people who got sold out by a senile president and his many enablers. Of course, I haven’t seen a single thing about why all those enablers aren’t being charged with treason, but I’m sure there’s a good reason. USA! USA! USA! …

  • Aren’t most of the “jilted US allies,” or at least the individuals who were the public faces of those groups, dead? Maybe there’s a special place in purgatory for them? 🙂 Well, Zelensky is likely to soon be dead. Prediction: the right-wing Ukrainians who do him in will blame it on the Russians, and that’s the story Western media will spread.

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