The House Always Wins

It is virtually inconceivable that Ukraine will be able to defeat Russia militarily. Russia is simply too powerful. So what’s the point of sending weapons to Ukraine? There can only be one net effect, to prolong the war and the suffering to the benefit of the defense industry.

3 Comments. Leave new

  • alex_the_tired
    March 14, 2022 7:37 AM

    This is one of the few times where prolonging things might help. Putin quite possibly will nuke Ukraine if his troops are repelled. He might even lob a few at Europe and the U.S. He’s certainly crazy enough. Dragging it out for two, three, four years might give someone in Russia time to deprogram enough to realize that Comrade Vlad needs to accidentally fall down a flight of stairs a couple of times.

  • BrotherMartin
    March 14, 2022 12:28 PM

    Yep, the US will fight Russia to the last Ukrainian.

    Alex, my bet is that the Russians are going to declare victory soon and get out. We’ll see.

  • alex_the_tired
    March 14, 2022 1:23 PM

    I agree with you BrotherMartin up to a point. The Russians will declare victory. After all, they do have a victory to declare. The remaining major cities of the eastern half of Ukraine can be mopped up later. Western Ukraine will keep until Trump is re-elected, at which point Putin will offer him a deal: the rest of Ukraine and Putin turning the gas back on for Europe for Trump taking credit for brokering the deal and ending “Biden’s War.” Fox will love it. Pravda will love it. The New York Times real estate section will love it as they will be able to go back to climaxing over those luxe condos all the Russian oligarchs buy as tax dodges without having to go through the pro forma “disgust” over the criminality involved.

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