Now that Donald Trump is coming back, there will be one positive side effect: many Democratic voters who sideline protests for social justice when the president is a Democrat, as he is now, will head back to the streets and take up the good fights they’ve been sitting out.
Trump Wins

Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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The left: “Oh, no! A conservative will be speaking on campus! Barbara Streisand Effects power … ACTIVATE! Form of … Free PR! Shape of … falling for the same thing over and over while damaging the brand and not learning from it!”
Politically? Choosing Harris was a cynical and stupid move on Biden’s part. His owners overcalculated her vote-pulling capacity.
She’s an embarrassment. Look at Harris’ background more objectively. A social climber who had advantages right from the start. (Hint: When SHE was a kid, born a boomer, being middle class meant you actually had a very good chance at succeeding in life. I have to yield to JD Vance on this one: he had a much harder row to hoe.)
Look at her legal career. Her supporters can’t stop talking about how she was a prosecutor. They keep not talking about how few cases she actually walked into a courtroom and fought in front of a judge and jury. She isn’t Perry Mason. She isn’t Frank J. Wilson either.
She was the first to fold during the primaries in 2020. As veep, she made fewer public appearances than Howard Hughes. Her work on the border? It was an obvious trap and indicative of Biden’s dislike of her that he handed it to her: If she succeeded, by a miracle, Biden would have taken credit. When it continued to be a massive fiasco? “Don’t blame me. Kamala’s the one who screwed that up.”
The Left needs an intervention. Someone needs to take away all their twustfunds. And stop paying for their iPhones. And start turning off their cwedit cards. “You need to get some competent leadership in place right the fuck now. Today. The 2028 election campaign? It should have started 30 seconds after the election was called for Trump.”
Here’s a hint. ANYONE involved in THIS election cycle? Don’t grab a sign or a button. Pick up a pitchfork and a torch and locate a highly flammable abandoned mill to chase them into.
I’ve never given the Dems a dime. I just vote for their candidates because I loathe the GOP and the Libertarian friends. I would rather vote for a real labor party like they have in Europe, but in the choice between “barf” and “shit”, I chose “barf”.
…to which some of us are going to be saying, “If you’re serious, dump the Democrats.”
Sane people would, but the system is so awful, third parties are seen as jokes. So they soldier on with the Dems.
The “Dems,” whether those who vote for Dem party candidates or those candidates*** elected to federal posts, are MOST politically frisky (speeches, marches, urgent pleas for $$$’s for “health privacy rights”) when there is NO conceivable path to achieving anything, e.g., from this moment at least until early 2027: GOP president, senate and house.
Will they now show support for Palestinians … or would that require even more than their cosmic hypocrisy?
*** AOC is winning big, so THE paragon of the above phenomenon, i.e. particularly loud and extravagantly irrelevant, lamentations (accented with fawning media attention), will be very busy.
Trump’s 73.6M popular votes is about 0.6M less than he received in 2020. Harris’s 69.3M popular votes is about 12.0M votes less than Biden received in 2020. The difference between 2020 and 2024 is not about people switching parties. It’s that 12.0M people who voted for the Democrat in 2020 instead did not vote for president in 2024. That’s 1 out of 7 Biden voters who didn’t vote for Harris. (No, it’s not that people switched to third-party voting … that declined slightly from 2020 to 2024, from 2.9M to 2.3M.)
So maybe it was the Palestinian-sympathetic non-voters who have brought us Trump, the unfaltering ally of the current government of Israel. Maybe it was the eco-friendly non-voters who have brought us Trump, the unfaltering ally of big oil and big coal. Maybe it was the save-the-poor non-voters who brought us Trump, a billionaire who surrounds himself with other billionaires. Despite that it looks bleak in the short term, let us hope that this strategy is beneficial in the long term.
Lee–Typical arrogant Democrat talk–it’s the voters’ fault for not liking our candidate. They’re stupid for not sucking it up and voting for a Democrat. Every one of those twelve million people had experienced four years of Democrat shuck-and-jive and decided it wasn’t any better than Trump shuck-and-jive, just different, and the Democrats could go f- themselves for enabling war crimes in Gaza (blowing up children with made-in-America bombs), calling themselves a party that is concerned about the environment while pushing more fracking and more dirty pipelines, and telling the poor that the economy was in great shape when, for those not in the managerial class, it clearly isn’t. Shame on those voters for not holding their nose and voting for Democrats!
America is a mistake, a terrible mistake.
Will you ever admit it, and stop discussing seriously the great farce that US presidential elections have always been.
Voting would have been outlawed long ago if it ever had proved to be a vector of change.
Shhh!! You idiot! We don’t say that part out loud!
Look out, Oh Wise One, and rest assured the correction is on its way. Thanks for voting Trump !