Donald Trump, Biden and the Democrats warn, wants to get rid of democracy. Sometimes, however, you have to ask yourself what your government has done for you lately. When it comes to American democracy, the answer is not much.
Trump Will Get Rid of Democracy
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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Well getting rid of a non-entity is certainly within the skill set of His Hairness.
But Ol’ Pantload Biden is on track to turn the entire world’s population into a pile of radioactive ash.
“Never again” will we be able to accuse the Dems of incrementalism … or anything else!!!
I don’t think it’s quite so much that “Trump will get rid of democracy” as “Trump is the sign that democracy has begun to fail. And not in some small way.” It’s been like this ESR (Ever Since Reagan).
The standard Trump voter, according to a University of Washington survey? “Nearly half of MAGA adherents […] earn at least $50,000 a year […] and approximately one-third have at least a college degree.”
We have met the enemy, and they is us. A simple example? Joe Biden’s environmental bill. His “signature” legislation. Even before it was kneecapped, it wasn’t enough. And the democrats are still praising it. Even though it doesn’t fix the problem. (There are other examples.) Trump’s MAGA voters are just the Republican variety of the same defect that has overwhelmed the democrats for decades.
And a lot of people haven’t looked at the biggest question of all. Does anyone think, even for a second, that when Trump finally exits, feet first or otherwise, that all these MAGA people are just going to disappear into the shadows and fog? Those attitudes aren’t going away. We will never be free of Trump’s ideology because we will never do anything to educate people sufficiently in civics, politics, and science to eradicate it.
“The number of suicides is growing. It’s one thing to throw away your life. But how could one part with democracy, the market, Yeltsin? It’s impossible to understand those wretches…” – Leonid Vladimirovich Shebarshin
Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time. (WLS Churchill)
Although it might still be worst, democracy would be more responsive to the people with some ranked-choice voting.
“What will we miss when democracy is gone?”
Without democracy, how else do we legitimate so many people going without food, medical treatments, and safe spaces while the rich are hoarding our resources? The woman in the cartoon is having it backwards.
“Woman”? Such toxic. You’re gendering the discussion. Now let’s have sixteen hours of debates about that while Trump and pals start setting up the barbed wire enclosures for the homeless. (For now, it’ll be the homeless. Soon enough, it’ll be the people who challenged him, anyone with eyeglasses, everyone with a library card, people who are good at cypherin’ …)
To be fair, Ted should tag their cartoons with the preferred pronouns of xes characters so it is really zees fault 😉
Don’t bother with democracy.
What we presently call democracy appeared in societies that enjoyed a stable climate and an ever growing use of energy.
And any pretension to it will soon vanish thanks to climate disruptions and to the inescapable dwindling of fossil fuels supplies.
Just vote for the candidate with the highest chance of starting a thermonuclear war.