Four years ago in 2020, Democrats said that the fact that Joe Biden was 78 years old and showing early signs of dementia was not a problem, that he would certainly be able to finish up at least his first term and maybe even run for reelection. Now, Donald Trump is 78 years old and showing early signs of dementia.
Age 78? Why Worry?

Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
4 Comments. Leave new
Agreed. However …
Donald Trump is out there constantly running his mouth. And yes, a lot of what he’s saying sounds like he’s free-associating a tone poem, daddy-o. But Kamala Harris? She hasn’t sat down for a single unscripted event in how long? She’s 59. It is quite possible for someone in their late-50s to have dementia. And given the democrats’ track record, who’s to say she isn’t just as unsound as Biden was.
It is popular to speculate who has dementia, clinical narcissism, character, etc. But we don’t have to speculate to find differences between the candidates. Pick almost any issue and you will find stark differences: climate change, abortion, gun control, who should pay taxes, etc. Each person can easily pick the candidate that best matches on the issues.
True, although when it comes to action, there’s really not much difference between the two parties. Democrats talk a good game on climate change, abortion, guns, etc. but when push comes to shove, they don’t actually push through any kind of meaningful change.
Yes, at the federal level, the last time Democratic Party was in the oval office and had control of both the House and the Senate, they failed to deliver. (Though Joe Lieberman was barely a Democrat, so that has to be factored in.) With mixed-control they accomplish even less, though such as the Inflation Reduction Act shouldn’t be ignored. On the other hand, at the New York State level the Democratic Party is doing better. Likely, other states too, though I don’t follow that news closely enough. We should keep pushing them to do better, but I wouldn’t characterize what has been accomplished as not “any kind of meaningful change.”